Visible attributes and attribute groups based on other attributes

You can make an attribute visible based on what was selected for any combination of all the other single-select and/or single-select database drop-down attributes. If you have applied Marketing Operations FixPack, you can also make attribute groups visible based on values of other attributes. This feature makes forms much simpler to fill in, only containing the attributes or attribute groups for which the user needs to provide input based on everything else they have already filled in on the form.

Important: In previous versions of HCL Marketing Operations, you could make an attribute or attribute group required based on values of other attributes. This feature is not available from version onwards. From version onwards, making attribute groups visible based on values of other attributes is a new feature. It replaces the earlier feature of making attributes or attribute groups required.
Upgrading to version or above: If you have used the required attributes feature in previous versions and have upgraded to version or above, the rules for required features are not retained in these versions. To make an attribute required, you must edit the attribute and select the Required option for the attribute. However, this makes the attribute a required attribute on all the forms that it is included in.

Attribute rules are supported for plan, program, projects, project requests, marketing objects, invoice, and assets. Rules for attribute groups are supported only for plan, program, projects, project requests, and marketing objects.

To make attributes or attribute groups visible based on other attributes, you must define rules at the form level.

For example, you can configure a form rule to make the State attribute visible if the user selects United States from the Country attribute drop-down list.

Validations of the dependent attributes and attribute groups are executed only when the attribute or attribute group is visible after rule evaluation. For example, if you select any value other than United States for the country, then the State attribute is hidden. If there are any validations on it (such as required behavior, check integer only, and so on) , those validations are skipped because the attribute is hidden after rule evaluation.

This rule is executed at the instance level and in the Preview page of the Form Editor.

At the instance level:

  • In non-edit mode (after instance creation when the form is loaded).
  • In edit mode (when you edit the form).
    • On form page load in edit mode.
    • When user changes the value of single-select drop-down list in edit mode.
  • In wizard mode (at instance creation).

Editing rules behavior

After you create rules for visible attributes and attribute groups that are based on other attributes, the following criteria for editing rules apply.

  • You receive a warning if you try to delete a value from a single-select attribute and a rule is defined on that value. You can delete the value only after you delete the associated rules.
  • If you delete any value from a single-select database attribute, Marketing Operations checks to see whether rules are defined on that value. If a rule is defined on the value and you delete the value, the rule is flagged as invalid. You can then modify the rule.
  • If you try to delete an attribute or attribute group that is used for defining a rule, you receive a warning. If you delete the attribute or attribute group anyway, the attribute or attribute group is removed from the rules.
  • If you try to make an attribute behavior read-only, and that attribute is used in a rule, you receive a warning. To make the attribute read-only, you must remove it from the defined rule.
  • If you try to change the look-up table, key column, or display column of a single-select database attribute that is used in a rule, you receive a warning. You must remove the attribute from any existing rules before you change the look-up details.
  • When you edit a form with existing rules, the form is not automatically republished. To apply a changed rule, republish the form.
  • When you try to disable any look-up values of single-select database attribute through manage look up option from form listing page, you receive a warning message. You must remove the values from existing rules before you disable the look-up values.
  • If you add an attribute to an attribute group that is selected for a rule, the attribute is automatically included in the rule.
  • If you add multiple attribute groups to a form rule, ensure that the attribute groups have unique display names. Otherwise, the form rule does not operate correctly.

Importing and exporting behavior

After you create rules to make attributes and attribute groups visible that are based on other attributes, the following criteria for importing and exporting forms with rules apply.

  • If you export a form with attribute rules, the rules are also exported. Such forms can be imported to another Marketing Operations system along with the attribute rules.
  • If the form you import contains corrupted or broken rules, then you receive a warning, so you can fix the rules.

Column layout adjustment details

When any dependent attributes or attribute groups are shown or hidden based on rule evaluation, the layout of Marketing Operations is adjusted automatically.

If an attribute or attribute group is hidden, then all rows for the attribute or attribute group are hidden and the corresponding number of rows below the hidden rows automatically move up in place of hidden rows. This adjustment occurs in the following layouts.

  • If the group has a one column layout (it will always have one attribute or none)
  • If the row has an attribute
  • If the group has a two column layout
  • If the row has only one attribute (it is always placed at left side)

In a row with two attributes but only one attribute is hidden, the following adjustments occur in the layout based on which column contains the attribute (or attributes) that is hidden.

  • If the left side attribute is hidden, then the right side attribute and the next row below it remains as is.
  • If the right side attribute is hidden, then the left side attribute and the next row below remains as is.
  • If both attributes are hidden, then the whole row is hidden and the next row below moves up automatically.