Offer attribute behavior options

When administrators import an offer attribute into a form, they select its behavior and supply a default value.

The behavior options for an offer attribute are:

  • Parameterized, which means that the attribute is a required field in the user interface. Users can accept the default or supply a different value.
  • Static, which means that the attribute is an optional field in the user interface. Users can accept the default, supply a different value, or leave the field null.
  • Hidden static, which means that the attribute and value do not display to users. Hidden static attributes and their values can be included in reports.

These behavior choices correspond to the ways you can use offers in Campaign. For more information about these choices, see the HCL® Campaign Administrator's Guide.

To define the behavior for an offer attribute in a form (when you import attributes into the form you select Static, Hidden, or Parameterized Attributes), click the name of the attribute and click >>.