The Alerts page

When you receive an alert, go to the Alerts page to view it. Alerts are also sent to affected users' email addresses (for each user that has a valid email address that is set up).

For a detailed list of events that might trigger an alert and for more information about setting up alerts, see the HCL® Marketing Operations Administrator's Guide.

To view alerts, log in and click the Alerts icon (Envelope icon). Clicking, or scrolling, over the alerts icon shows a drop-down menu that separates the alerts for your installed applications. The number of alerts is displayed to the left of each application name. After you choose which application's alerts to view, the page displays the following information:

Table 1. Columns on the Alerts page
Column Description
Page heading The number of unread alerts, in parentheses, and the total number of alerts
Check box Select alerts for a specific action, for example, to mark a group of alerts for deletion.

Select the box in the first line, next to the Message Text label, to select all the alerts.

Message text Text of the alert
Date/Time The time of the event that triggered the alert

You can perform the following actions from the Alertspage:

Table 2. Controls on the Alerts page
Link/Button Description
Envelope icon Select the yellow envelope icon next to an alert to mark the alert as read.

After you click the icon, the alert is disabled. Reselect the icon to mark the alert as unread.

Alert title Click the link in the alert to go to the object that is the subject of the alert.
Note: The Alerts page remains open while you view the information in a separate window.
Pages Click a page number to list the corresponding page of alerts.
Delete Selected Click to delete the selected alerts.
Delete All Click to delete all of your alerts.
Mark All as Read Click to mark all your alerts as read, graying out each alert. A confirmation screen is displayed to ensure that you want to mark all alerts as read.
Mark All as Unread If you have no unread alerts, click this link to mark all your alerts as unread.
Close Click to close the Alerts page.