
To use the Twitter connector, the Unica administrator must configure a connection.

The connection properties are as follows:

Connection property Description
Base URL The Twitter API base URL. Example:
Note: If the test connection shows the following API version related error while creating a new connection:

Connection failed. The returned status is 403 and the response is {"errors":[{"code":"INVALID","message": "Version 10.0 is not available."}],"request":{"params":{}}}., 

then click the following link to get the latest version, and change the base URL accordingly for the latest Twitter Ads API version:

API Version will be the number after in the resource URL. For example: version in the given example is 12.)

Consumer Key The consumer key for Twitter's app. It is a read-only field and is auto-populated.
Consumer Secret The consumer secret for Twitter's app. It is a read-only field and is auto-populated.
Get Request Token label Displays the message Press the Get Request Token button to get the request token.
Get Request Token Press to get a request token from Twitter.
Token The Oauth token received from Twitter via request token. It is a read-only field and is auto-populated.
Token Secret The Oauth token secret received from Twitter. It is a read-only field and is auto-populated.
Get Oauth Verifier label Displays the message Press the Get Oauth Verifier button to redirect the browser to an HCL Software page. Then copy and paste the URL from that page into the Redirect URL Response field to get the oauth verifier.
Get Oauth Verifier Press to get an Oauth verifier from Twitter. It redirects the browser to HCL Software page. Copy-and-paste the URL from the page to the Redirect URL response field.
Redirect URL Response The redirect URL pasted from the HCL Software webpage.
Get Access Token label Displays the message Press the Get Token button to get the authorization token.
Get Token Press to get an access token from Twitter.
Oauth Verifier The Oauth verifier provided by Twitter. It is a read-only field and is auto-populated.
Oauth Token The token used for Twitter APIs. It is a read-only field and is auto-populated.
Oauth Token Secret The token secret used for generating Oauth signature along with consumer secret. It is a read-only field and is auto-populated.
Number of Retries The total number of retries for an API if its execution fails.