Data Normalization

This topic describes the formatting guidelines for uploading hashed data for Google connector.

The following table list the data format layout information for Google connector:

Field Description Remarks
First Name The first name of the user data. Do not include prefixes. For example: Mrs.
Last Name The last name of the user data. Do not include suffixes. For example: Jr.
City The city of the user.
State The state of the user.
Country Code The two-letter country code. Use ISO two-letter or three-letter country codes and include the country code even if all your customer data is from the same country. For example:
  • US or USA for United States of America.
  • SG or SGP for Singapore
Zip or Postal Code The zip or postal code of the user. Both US and international zip and postal codes are allowed.
For United States:
  • 5-digit codes are allowed (for example: 94303).
  • 5 digits followed by 4-digit extension are also allowed and may improve your match rate (for example: 94303-5300).
For all other countries:
  • Leave out postal code extensions (for example: WC2H 8LG).
Email The email address. Include a domain name for all email addresses (for example, or
Remove any spaces in between the email address. For example:
Phone Number The phone number of the user. Include the country code. For example:
  • 1 (234) 567-8910
  • 81-12-3456-7891
  • 02 1234 5678
  • Link connector is using following fields for Google and not performing any data normalization including data hashing at the connector level:
    • FirstName
    • LastName
    • City
    • State
    • CountryCode
    • Zip or PostalCode
    • Email
    • PhoneNumber
  • Google Ads is taking care of data normalization including data hashing with SHA256 by using the Google SDK method normalizeAndHash for data normalization on following fields:
    • Email
    • PhoneNumber
    • FirstName
    • LastName