Configure a Process box or Touchpoint

When you configure a LinkedIn connector from a Process box in Unica Campaign or a Touchpoint in Unica Journey, you can see the following properties:

Property Description
Ad Account The LinkedIn Ad account ID.
Contact Action The actions to perform on audience list in LinkedIn. The possible options in the dropdown are Upload to an existing segment and Upload to new segment.
DMP Segments The DMP segments available under an ad account. This field will be enabled if the contact action will be selected as Upload to an existing segment.
DMP Segment Name The DMP segment name. This field will be enabled if the contact action will be selected as Upload to new segment.
Upload Type The Custom Audience's type to be uploaded. The possible options in the dropdown are Upload Users and Upload Companies.
Fetch Duration in Days The duration (in days) till when the segment status to be fetched periodically.

The field mapping screen would be generated based on the selected upload type.

The fields available for Upload Users are as follows:

Field name Description
Email The email address.
First Name The first name with a maximum length of 20 characters.
Last Name The last name with a maximum length of 20 characters.
Job Title The job title name with a maximum length of 50 characters.
Employee Company The company name with a maximum length of 50 characters.
Country The ISO standardized two letter country code.
Apple Mobile Advertiser Id The apple mobile advertiser id. A plain text string with a maximum length of 32 characters and all upper case.
Google Android Mobile Advertiser Id The google android mobile advertiser id. A plain text string with a maximum length of 32 characters and all in lower case.
  • LinkedIn recommends at least 10,000 rows with a maximum list size of 300,000.
  • A minimum audience count of 300 must be satisfied.
  • For a segment, during the first update, the Status transitions from Building to Ready.
  • For a segment, during an incremental update, the Status transitions from Ready to Updating to Ready.
  • In Unica Journey, you will see the Success Count and Failure Count, only after the Status of the segment, created in LinkedIn, changes to Ready. If the Status is Building or Updating, the Success Count and Failure Count will be zero.

The fields available for Upload Companies are as follows:

Field name Description
Company Name The company name.
Company Website The company website domain string in URL format.
Company Email The company email domain string in URL format (sometimes different from the website domain).
Company Page URN The LinkedIn company page URN of the company.
LinkedIn Company Page URL The LinkedIn company page URL with max length of 100 characters.
Stocks Symbol The stock symbol with a maximum length of 5 characters.
Industry Industry name with a maximum length of 50 characters, for example, Technology.
City The city name with a maximum length of 50 characters.
State The state/province name with a maximum length of 50 characters.
Country The ISO standardized two letter country code.
Postal Code The postal code of the company with max length 20 letters.
Note: LinkedIn recommends at least 1,000 companies, with a maximum list size of 300,000.