About the product

Unica Link provides both design-time and runtime services. It is invoked at design-time when an administrator configures a Link connection, or when you configure a process box in the Unica Campaign application, or a touchpoint in the Unica Journey application.

Unica Link is a component that can be installed separately from the Unica application. It must be installed in a Linux environment that can be remote from the Unica platform.

Unica Link supports the following connectors:

  • JDBC connector - (Added in release JDBC connector performs database operations like insert, delete, update and upsert. Additionally, it aslo executes SQL queries.
  • Mailchimp connector - The Mailchimp connector uploads contact information to an audience in Mailchimp, populating the merge field defined for the Audience. It then creates a segment of the audience for the uploaded contacts, and optionally runs or schedules a Mailchimp campaign to target the segment. The connector then polls Mailchimp on a scheduled basis to gather the results of the campaign, and to report back whether emails were delivered, bounced, opened or links clicked within the emails.
  • Mandrill connector - The Mandrill connector sends email using a defined template on a Mandril account, populating the merge field defined in that template. The connector then polls Mandrill to report whether emails were bounced, opened, or links clicked within the email.
  • Salesforce connector - Salesforce (CRM) saves and updates details about users. Salesforce supports two operations, 'Create' and 'Update', as well as two objects 'Lead' and 'Contact'. Also supported are two objects, 'Lead' and 'Contact'.
  • Twilio connector - The Twilio connector sends SMS to a destination device and fetches the status of the sent SMS.
  • Facebook AdTech - The Facebook connector uploads contact information into an existing, or new audience in Facebook.
  • Google AdTech - (Added in release The Google Ads connector uploads contact information into an existing/new audience in Google Ads.
  • LinkedIn AdTech - The LinkedIn connector uploads contact information into an existing, or new audience in LinkedIn.