Journey Reports schema

The following tables describe the reports tables.

Table 1. PointReports
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
primaryTouchPointId NUMBER 20
name VARCHAR2 250
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Journey id
pointType VARCHAR2 250
createdDate TIMESTAMP
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
Table 2. JourneyReports
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
primaryJourneyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Journey id
name VARCHAR2 250 Yes Name of Journey
code VARCHAR2 11 Yes Unique identifier for Journey. Every Journey has a unique code for identification. e.g. JS-00000104
journeyStatus VARCHAR2 30 Yes This contain ordinal NUMBER for Journey status as below:





createdDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Display the creation date and time of record
lastModifiedDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Display last modified date and time of records
publishDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Date and time when Journey was published
pausedDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Date and time at which Journey is paused
completedDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Date and time at which Journey is completed (if goal is completed or manually by mark Journey as complete)
journeyCreatedDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the Journey creation date.
createdDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
lastModifiedDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
publishDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Captures date and time in milliseconds when journey gets published for 1st time
pausedDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Captures date and time in milliseconds when journey gets paused
completedDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes The date time stamp when the journey was completed
journeyCreatedDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
Table 3. AudienceReports
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
primaryAudienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
email VARCHAR2 250 Yes Email Id of audience
mobile VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays Audience mobile number
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Unique Identifier for Journey
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
detail CLOB 1048576 Yes Journeyaudience details
eventRequestDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes
createdDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Display the creation date and time of record
eventRequestDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
createdDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
Table 4. AudienceResponseReports
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
primaryAudienceResponseId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the primary Audience Response Id.
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
eventName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Display name of the event
eventId NUMBER 20 No Display id of AudienceResponseReports
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
eventResponseDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes
createdDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Display the creation date and time of record
eventResponseDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
createdDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
Table 5. AudienceRespMetaDataReports
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
primaryAudienceRespMetaDataId NUMBER 20 Yes Displays the primary audience response meta data id.
audienceResponseId NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of the AudienceResponse table of which record the extended information it relates to
linkURL VARCHAR2 250 Yes URL of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
linkId NUMBER 20 Yes LinkId of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
createdDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
Table 6. AudienceRespInteractionReports
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
primaryAudienceRespIntId NUMBER 20 Yes Displays the primary audience response interaction id.
engagementSplitPointId NUMBER 20 N0 Display EngagementSplitPointId
audienceResponseId NUMBER 20 N0 Foregin key of AudienceResponse table, Refrence column is ID
audienceRespMetaDataId NUMBER 20 Yes

Displays the audience response meta data id.

eventId NUMBER 20 No Display id of AudienceRespInteractionReports
createdDate TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdDateEpoch DECIMAL 15 No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
Table 7. EmailPerformanceSent
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
journeyId NUMBER 20,0 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
pointName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays the touchpoint name
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
audienceEmail VARCHAR 250 No Email Id of audience
template VARCHAR2 100 Yes Displays the selected email template id.
channel VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
sentTimeStamp TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the time when email was sent.
sentTimeStampEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
active INTEGER 4 No Display Journey Associations active status
iteration NUMBER 20 No
Table 8. EmailPerformanceDelivery
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
journeyId NUMBER 20,0 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
pointName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays the touchpoint name
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
audienceEmail VARCHAR 250 No Email Id of audience
template VARCHAR 100 Yes Displays the selected email template id.
channel VARCHAR 50 Yes Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
deliveryTimeStamp TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the time when email was delivered.
deliveryTimeStampEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
active INTEGER 4 No Display Journey Associations active status
iteration NUMBER 20 No
Table 9. EmailPerformanceOpen
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
journeyId NUMBER 20,0 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
pointName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays the touchpoint name
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
audienceEmail VARCHAR 250 No Email Id of audience
template VARCHAR2 100 Yes Displays the selected email template id.
channel VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
openTimeStamp TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the time when email was opened.
openTimeStampEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
averageOpenInteractionTime NUMBER 10 Yes Displays the average email opening time.
active INTEGER 4 No Display Journey Associations active status
iteration NUMBER 20 No
Table 10. EmailPerformanceLinkClick
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
journeyId NUMBER 20,0 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
pointName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays the touchpoint name
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
audienceEmail VARCHAR 250 No Email Id of audience
template VARCHAR2 100 Displays the selected email template id.
channel VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
linkId NUMBER 10 Yes LinkId of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
linkUrl VARCHAR 250 Yes URL of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
clickTimeStamp TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the time when email was clicked.
clickTimeStampEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
averageclickinteractionTime NUMBER 10 Yes Displays the average email click time.
active INTEGER 4 No Display Journey Associations active status
iteration NUMBER 20 No
Table 11. SmsPerformanceSent
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
pointName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays the touchpoint name
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
audienceMobileNumber VARCHAR 20 Yes Displays audience mobile number.
template VARCHAR2 100 Yes Displays the selected sms template id.
channel VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
sentTimeStamp TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the time when sms was sent.
sentTimeStampEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
active INTEGER 4 No Display Journey Associations active status
iteration NUMBER 20 No
Table 12. SmsPerformanceDelivery
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
pointName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays the touchpoint name
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
audienceMobileNumber VARCHAR 20 Displays audience mobile number.
template VARCHAR2 100 Yes Displays the selected sms template id.
channel VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
deliveryTimeStamp TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the time when sms was delivered.
deliveryTimeStampEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
active INTEGER 4 No Display Journey Associations active status
iteration NUMBER 20 No
Table 13. SmsPerformanceLinkClick
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 20 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
pointName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays the touchpoint name
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
audienceMobileNumber VARCHAR 20 Yes Displays audience mobile number.
template VARCHAR2 100 Yes Displays the selected sms template id.
channel VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
linkId NUMBER 10 Yes LinkId of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
linkUrl VARCHAR 250 Yes URL of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
clickTimeStamp TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the time when sms was clicked.
clickTimeStampEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
averageclickinteractionTime NUMBER 10 Yes Displays the average sms click time.
active INTEGER 4 No Display Journey Associations active status
iteration NUMBER 20 No
Table 14. PushPerformanceSent
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
pointName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays the touchpoint name
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
audienceMobileNumber VARCHAR 20 Displays audience mobile number.
template VARCHAR2 100 Yes Displays the selected push template id.
channel VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
sentTimeStamp TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the time when push was sent.
sentTimeStampEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
active INTEGER 4 No Display Journey Associations active status
iteration NUMBER 20 No
Table 15. PushPerformanceDelivery
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
pointName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays the touchpoint name
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
audienceMobileNumber VARCHAR 20 Yes Displays audience mobile number.
template VARCHAR2 100 Yes

Displays the selected push template id.

channel VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
deliveryTimeStamp TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the time when push was delivered.
deliveryTimeStampEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
active INTEGER 4 No Display Journey Associations active status
iteration NUMBER 20 No
Table 16. PushPerformanceOpen
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary Key) BIGINT 20 No Generated by default on null as identity
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Journey id
pointId BIGINT 8 Yes Displays the touchpoint ID.
pointName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Displays the touchpoint name
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
audienceMobileNumber VARCHAR 20 Displays audience mobile number.
template VARCHAR2 100 Yes Displays the selected push template id.
channel VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
openTimeStamp TIMESTAMP 10 Yes Displays the time when push was opened.
openTimeStampEpoch DECIMAL 15 Yes Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
averageOpenInteractionTime NUMBER 10 Yes Displays the average push opening time.
active INTEGER 4 No Display Journey Associations active status
iteration NUMBER 20 No