System tables

The following tables describe the system tables.

This table contains information about each template in Unica Journey.

Organisations - This table captures the organisations deltails within the customers that are using Journey. This is intended for future use where customers would want segration between assets created on Journey across different units within.

For now this is not really being used and has been provisioned as and when required.

Table 1. Organisations field descriptions
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NUMBER No

Generated by default on null as identity

organisationName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Display Organisation's name
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
organisationDescription VARCHAR2 250 Yes Display brief description of the organisation
version Number 20 No Maintains updated count
partitionId Number 20 Captures id of platform partition with which organization is associated
partitionName VARCHAR2 250 Captures name of platform partition with which organization is associated
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
Table 2. Users
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (primary key) NUMBER No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
userName (foreign key) (references) VARCHAR2 250 No Display Platform user name
platformId NUMBER 20 Yes Display User's Platform ID
emailId VARCHAR2 255 Yes Display User's Platform email-id
firstName VARCHAR2 255 Yes Display first name of Platform user
lastName VARCHAR2 255 Yes Display last name of Platform user
locale VARCHAR2 100 Yes Display user's Platform locale
organisationId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Organization Id
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch forma
Table 3. Folders
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
organisationId (foreign key) (references) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Organisation table, Reference column name ID
folderName VARCHAR2 128 Yes Display name of the folder
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy (foreign key) (references) NUMBER 20 No Foreign key of USER table. When a user adds a new folder, the system stores the corresponding user ID in this field. This field will be NULL only for four default entries.
lastModifiedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and time of records
lastModifiedBy (foreign key) (references) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of USER table, which tells who modified the record
folderDescription VARCHAR2 1024 Yes Description for folder
parentFolderId NUMBER 20 Yes Id of parent folder for given folder which is foreign key of FOLDERS table, Reference column name ID
hitCount NUMBER 20 Yes Count that indicates how many times folder get referenced for creating/updating/moving entities inside it
folderType NUMBER 20 Yes

Type of folder indicated by integer value

Values can be:




version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 4. DataDefinitions
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
organisationId (foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of ORGANISATION table, Reference column name ID
folderId (foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of FOLDER table, Reference column name ID
dataDefinitionName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Display Data Definition name
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy (foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of USER table, displays who created this record
lastModifiedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and time of records
lastModifiedBy (foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of USER table, displays who modified the record
dataDefinitionDescription VARCHAR2 1024 Yes Display description of Data Definition
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
code VARCHAR2 11 Yes Unique identifier for DD. every DD have a unique code for identification.
createdDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 5. DataDefinitionFields
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
fieldName VARCHAR2 250 Yes DataDefinition field name that tells what will be the field name inside EntrySource data when data will come to Unica Journey.
significantFieldType NUMBER 20 Yes

Ordinal number that tells about the type of significant field of Journey, currently significant field supported by Journey with their ordinal value are as follows :

1. MOBILE_NUMBER - 0 (ordinal value)

2. EMAIL_ID - 1 (ordinal value)

fieldDataType NUMBER 20 Yes

Ordinal number that tells about the data type of Datadefinition field, Currently datatype supported for DataDefinition field by Journey with their ordinal value are as follows

1. String - 0 (ordinal value)

2. Numeric - 1 (ordinal value)

2. Date - 2 (ordinal value)

fieldLength NUMBER 20 Yes Display size of Datadefinition Filed that tells what will be the length of entry source field data when it comes to Journey.
dateFormat VARCHAR2 50 Yes It contain a date format of Date type datadefnition field that tells in which format Date value will come in entry source data example (dd/MM/yyyy)
dataDefinitionId (Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of Datadefinition table,Refrence column ID.
required NUMBER 1,0 No A boolean value contain only 0 or 1, if it's 1 then particular DataDefinition fileds is require in EntrySource data and if it's value is 0 then that particular datadefinition filed is not require in EntrySource data
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 6. JourneyFiles
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
organisationId(Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Reference Id from Organisation Table
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
originalFileName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Display name of uploaded File
internalFileName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Display application created file Name
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 7. EntrySources
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
organisationId(Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Reference Id from Organisation Table
folderId(Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Reference Id from Folder Table
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Entry Sources, which tell who created this record
lastModifiedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and time of records
lastModifiedBy(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of Entry Sources table, which tells who modified the record - Last modified by
entrySourceDescription VARCHAR2 1024 Yes Textual Description given by User
entrySourceType NUMBER 20 Yes

Type of Source





entrySourceName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Display the entry source name given by User
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
code VARCHAR2 11 Yes Unique code generated by application
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 8. FileEntrySource
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyFileId(Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Reference id of Journey File Table
entrySourceId(Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Reference id of Primary Parent Table

Type of Source




version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
Table 9. FileEntrySourceFile
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyFileId(Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Entrysource table, Reference column name ID
entrySourceId(Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of ENTRYSOURCES table, Reference column ID.
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 10. URLEntrySource
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
urlPath VARCHAR2 250 Yes Display the complete url
securityId NUMBER 20 Yes Reference id of Security
entrySourceId(Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Reference id of Primary Parent Table
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
Table 11. KafkaEntrySource
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
entrySourceId (Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Entrysources table, Reference column ID
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
Table 12. journeys
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
name VARCHAR2 250 Yes Name of Journey
description VARCHAR2 1024 Yes Description of Journey
code VARCHAR2 11 Yes Unique identifier for Journey. Every Journey has a unique code for identification. e.g. JS-00000104
status VARCHAR2 30 Yes

This contain ordinal number for Journey status as below:





marketingStage VARCHAR2 30 Yes

This contain ordinal number for marketing stages as below:







timeZone VARCHAR2 50 Yes Timezone in which Journey needs to run, e.g. (UTC-04:00) America/New_York
folderId(Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of FOLDER table, Reference column name ID
journeyDesign CLOB Yes It stores the whole Journey design i.e. Journey canvas in JSON
conversions NUMBER 20 Yes Not in use
goalProgress NUMBER 20 Yes Not in use
dataDefinitionId (Foreign key) (References) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Datadefinition table, Reference column ID
publishDate TIMESTAMP Yes Date and time when Journey was published
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdBy(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
lastModifiedBy(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of USER table, which tells who modified the record
lastModifiedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and time of records
pausedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Date and time at which Journey is paused
completedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Date and time at which Journey is completed (if goal is completed or manually by mark Journey as complete)
deduplicationStatus NUMBER 2 No Contain ordinal values as below for how to deal with duplicate data from entry sources
keyFields VARCHAR2 1500 Yes It is array of required fields in data definition used for deduplication
isProcessed NUMBER 1,0 No By default, value is 0 and when logging interaction scheduler job runs it set its value to 1
flagMilestoneAdded NUMBER 1,0 No Tells if milestone added for a journey. Indicated by boolean value
createdDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
publishDateEpoch NUMBER Captures date and time in milliseconds when journey gets published for 1st time
pausedDateEpoch NUMBER Captures date and time in milliseconds when journey gets paused
completedDateEpoch NUMBER The date time stamp when the journey was completed
Table 13. JourneyAssociations
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Journeys table, Reference column ID.
entrySourceId NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Entrysources table, Reference column ID.
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
status NUMBER 2
active NUMBER 1 No Display Journey Associations active status
Table 14. Point
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NUMBER No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Journeys table, Reference column ID
temporaryChildId NUMBER 20 Yes It is pointId of temporary point, created when this point is updated after Journey paused (to keep updated changes)
name VARCHAR2 250 Yes Display name of point
description VARCHAR2 250 Yes Description of point
hasTempData NUMBER 1,0 Yes Store value as 0 by default, it is 1 if this point has a temporary data (if user updates this point)
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
lastModifiedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and time of records
lastModifiedBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes Foregin key of USER table, which tells who modified the record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
isProcessed NUMBER 1,0 No By default value is 0 and when logging interaction scheduler job runs it set it's value to 1
createdDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
status NUMBER Latest status of Journey point
active NUMBER No Display Journey points active status
Table 15. DecisionSplitActionPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
conditions VARCHAR2 3000 No Decision split evaluation condition or criteria on which split processes incoming audiences and send them to YES or NO path
days NUMBER 20 Value for days used while configuring DecisionSplitActionPoint
hours NUMBER 20 Value for hours used while configuring DecisionSplitActionPoint
minutes NUMBER 20 Value for minutes used while configuring DecisionSplitActionPoint
delayTypeEnum VARCHAR2 20 Organisations

Type of delay indicated by integer value

Values can be:



waitTillDate NUMBER Captures date and time till when delay is added for actionpoints
Table 16. DelayActionPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) (Foreign key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
days NUMBER 20 Yes Value for days used while configuring delay action point
hours NUMBER 20 Yes Value for hours used while configuring delay action point
minutes NUMBER 20 Yes Value for minutes used while configuring delay action point
delayTypeEnum VARCHAR2 20 Yes

Type of delay indicated by integer value

Values can be:



waitTillDate TIMESTAMP Yes This field is valid only if DELAYTYPEENUM value is 1
waitTillDateEpoch NUMBER Captures date and time in milliseconds till when delay is added for actionpoints
useExpression NUMBER 1
Table 17. EngagementSplitActionPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) (Foreign key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
sourceTouchPointId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foriegn key TouchPointId (Email/SMS) for which ES is configured
event CLOB Yes It is a json who has List of EventsIds which configured for the sourceTouchPoint and the linkid or linkurl in case of Link Event is configured.
days NUMBER 20 Yes Waiting time of ES to collect the responses, in terms of Days. Like 4 Days
hours NUMBER 20 Yes Waiting time of ES to collect the responses, in terms of Hours. Like 2 Hours
minutes NUMBER 20 Yes Waiting time of ES to collect the responses, in terms of Minutes. Like 10 Minutes
delayTypeEnum VARCHAR2 20 Yes Delay Type Enum indicates whether the waiting time of ES is a Duration (like days, hours, minutes) OR a Fixed Date( like 25th Dec 2020).
waitTillDate TIMESTAMP Yes Waiting time of ES to collect the responses, in terms of Fixed Date. Like 25-12-2020
waitTillDateEpoch NUMBER Captures date and time in milliseconds till when delay is added for actionpoints
Table 18. EmailTouchPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) (Foreign key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
isConnectorConfigured NUMBER 1,0 Yes 0- Email Touch Point is not configured Yet. 1- Email Touch Point is Successfully Configured with mandate values.
connectorInfo VARCHAR2 200 Yes Connection Name (Like: MailChimp, Mandril)
dataFieldMapping CLOB Yes It has the Json value of Fields Mapping(Journey Fields Mapped with the Connector's Fields) based on Channel used to configure the Email Touch Point.
channelAgent VARCHAR2 50 Yes Channels Enum Value which indicates through which Channel the touch point is configured.
isEdited NUMBER 1,0 No A Boolean Flag to identify whether the TouchPoint is Edited after Publish the Journey or Not
offerType VARCHAR2 50

Type of offer associated with email touchpoint indicated by integer value

Values can be:


1: COM

2: NBO


landingPageDataFieldMapping CLOB For storing JSON data of landing page mapping information integrated with email template
Table 19. DeliverEmailMetaData
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
touchPointId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key TouchPoint for which Deliver is configured.
metadata CLOB Yes Json used to save additional information of Journey-Deliver Association
state VARCHAR2 20 Yes Not in use
mailingCode VARCHAR2 20 Yes Associated attribute for Journey and Deliver at Run Time
documentID NUMBER 20 Yes Associated attribute for Journey and Deliver at Design Time
mailingID NUMBER 20 Yes Associated attribute for Journey and Deliver at Run Time
documentName VARCHAR2 200 Yes Associated attribute for Journey and Deliver at Design Time
mailingInstanceId NUMBER 20 Yes Associated attribute for Journey and Deliver at Run Time
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
lastModifiedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and Time of Record
VERSION NUMBER 20,0 Yes Maintains updated count
Table 20. SmsTouchPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) (Foreign key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
isConnectorConfigured NUMBER 1,0 Yes 0- SMS Touch Point is not configured Yet. 1-SMS Touch Point is Successfully Configured with mandate values.
connectorInfo VARCHAR2 200 Yes Connection Name (Like: Twillio) for which SMS touch Point is configured
dataFieldMapping CLOB Yes It has the Json value of Fields Mapping(Journey Fields Mapped with the Connector's Fields) based on Channel used to configure the SMS Touch Point.
channelAgent VARCHAR 50 Channels Enum Value which indicates through which Channel the touch point is configured.
isEdited NUMBER 1,0 A Boolean Flag to identify whether the TouchPoint is Edited after Publish the Journey or Not
Table 21. WhatsAppTouchPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NUMBER Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
isConnectorConfigured NUMBER 1,0 0- Email Touch Point is not configured Yet. 1- Email Touch Point is Successfully Configured with mandate values.
connectorInfo VARCHAR2 200 Connection Name (Like: MailChimp, Mandril)
dataFieldMapping CLOB Fields Mapped with the Connector's Fields) based on Channel used to configure the Email Touch Point.
channelAgent VARCHAR 50 Channels Enum Value which indicates through which Channel the touch point is configured.
isEdited NUMBER 1,0 No
Table 22. PushTouchPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NUMBER Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
isConnectorConfigured NUMBER 1,0 0- Email Touch Point is not configured Yet. 1- Email Touch Point is Successfully Configured with mandate values.
Table 23. LinkedinTouchPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NUMBER No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
isConnectorConfigured NUMBER 1,0 0- Email Touch Point is not configured Yet. 1- Email Touch Point is Successfully Configured with mandate values.
Table 24. JoinEndPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) (Foreign key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
Table 25. PublishActionPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) (Foreign key) No Unique Id
publishType VARCHAR2 20 No

Contains 0-CSV,


2-Kafka as Entry Source

publishTypeDetail VARCHAR2 250 Yes Name of CsvFile /Topic
Table 26. PointEntrySourceAssociation
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
pointId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Pointtable, Reference column ID.
entrySourceId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Entrysources table, Reference column ID
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 27. JourneyAudiences
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Unique Identifier for Journey
entrySourceId NUMBER 20 Yes Unique Identifier for entrysource
mobileNumber VARCHAR2 20 Yes Contact number of audience
email VARCHAR2 100 Yes Email Id of audience
createdDate Yes Display the creation date and time of record
keyField VARCHAR2 40 Yes SHA256 of key field used for de-duplication
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
detail CLOB Yes Journey audience details in Json string format
status VARCHAR2 20 Yes Latest status of Journey audience
goalStatus VARCHAR2 100 Yes Latest goal status of audience
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 28. JourneyDataErrors
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
entrysourceid NUMBER 20 Yes Unique Identifier for entrysource
journeyid NUMBER 20 Yes Unique Identifier for Journey
sourceTopic VARCHAR2 250 No Source kafka topic name for which error is recorded
jsondata CLOB No Audience data in json format
errorMsg VARCHAR2 500 No Display the error message
state VARCHAR2 20 Yes State of the error
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes User who create/update Journey data errors
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 29. journeyState
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id No Unique Id
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Id of Journey
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Record creation date
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
Table 30. entrySourceJourneyMap
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Journey id
dataDefinitaionId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the Datadefinition id
entrySourceId NUMBER 20 Yes Display the entry source Id
status VARCHAR2 20 Yes Display whether the Journey is in Active state or not
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
Table 31. PausedJourneys
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Unique Identifier for Journey
topicName VARCHAR2 50 Yes Name of destination topic
pausedData CLOB Yes Json Data to be pushed to topic
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 32. AudienceResponseEventMaster
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
displayName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Name of the event used for display
statisticsLabel VARCHAR2 250 Yes Label for given event used for statistics related processing
eventName VARCHAR2 250 Yes Display name of the event
eventDescription VARCHAR2 250 Yes Description for event
eventCategory VARCHAR2 250 Yes Category of events e.g. EMAIL/CRM/SMS
flagDisplayForGoal NUMBER 1,0 Yes Boolean value which indicates whether event is used in goal settings or not
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes Foreign key of Audience Response, which tell who created this record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
flagDisplayForStats NUMBER 1,0 No To decide to display the event on Journey Canvas stats for the relative touchpoint indicated by boolean value
acceptMultiple NUMBER 1,0 Yes To decide whether we should log multiple responses. Default value is FALSE
maxResponses NUMBER Yes Indicated by small integer, which is used ONLY if acceptMultiple is TRUE. Default is 0
actedUpon NUMBER 1,0 Yes This field is not currently used
eventHandlingAction VARCHAR 50 Yes

Tells action to be taken audience response. Indicated by string values among:


Table 33. AudienceResponse
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
touchPointId(Foreign Key) NUMBER 20 No Foreign key of TouchPoint ID, to whom response is related to
audienceId(Foreign Key) NUMBER 20 No Foreign key of Audience Id of JourneyAudience Table, to whom response is related to
eventId(Foreign Key) NUMBER 20 No Foriegn key of Event Id, for which event the response is received
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes Foreign key of Audience Response, which tell who created this record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
isProcessed NUMBER 1,0 No A Flag which idicates whether the record been processed for Reporting or not
logTimeStampEpoch NUMBER Captures date and time in milliseconds of arrival or exit at node for given audience id
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 34. JourneyAudienceFlow
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
nodeId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of point in Journey
edge NUMBER 20 No Display whether audience progressed on yes path or no path of node
direction NUMBER 1,0 No Display whether audience arrived at node or leaving from the node
logTimeStamp TIMESTAMP Yes Date and time of arrival or exit at node for given audience id
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
isProcessed NUMBER 1,0 No Indicates whether record is picked by logging interaction scheduler job
Table 35. JourneyFlow
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
nodeId NUMBER 20 No Display id of point in Journey
audienceCount NUMBER Yes Count of total audiences which are on given node for given stage
audienceStage NUMBER 20 No Indicates stage of audiences for given node for given audience count
edge NUMBER 1,0 Yes Display whether audiences progressed on yes path or no path for given node
isUpdated NUMBER 1,0 Yes Indicates whether record is up to date with audience count or not
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 36. JourneyDiscardedData
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
data CLOB No Message which is discarded in Journey
journeyId NUMBER 20 Yes Display Id of Journey for which message is discarded
entrysourceId NUMBER 20 Yes Display Id of entrysource
sourceTopic VARCHAR2 250 No Display Id of point in Journey for which message is discarded
reason VARCHAR2 2000 No Reason for message discard
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 37. StreamingDataLog
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Parimary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
entrySourceCode(Foreign key) VARCHAR2 11 Yes Foreign key EntrySource Id, for which the data is pushed into STREAMING_IMPORT topic of Kafka
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
data CLOB Yes The raw Json value which is pushed to the STREAMING_IMPORT topic for processing into Journey
status VARCHAR2 30 Yes Maintain Status of pushed Data
version NUMBER Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 38. DataDefinitionSchema
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
dataDefinitionId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Unique Identifier for data definition
schema CLOB Yes Json schema details for data definition
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes User who create/update data definition schema
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 39. ExternalAppConfiguration
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
name VARCHAR2 250 No Name of the third party application which want to access the Journey
description VARCHAR2 1024 Yes Description of the third party application which want to access the Journey
clientid VARCHAR2 148 No Id by which third party application can login
clientsecret VARCHAR2 148 No Password by which third party application can login
status VARCHAR2 30 No Status of that application which active or inactive active -1, inactive-0
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of USER table, which tells who created this record
lastModifiedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and time of record
lastModifiedBy(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of USER table, which tells who modified the record
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 40. JourneyGoal
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 No Foreign key of ENTRYSOURCES table, Reference column ID.
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
goalType NUMBER 20 No 0-Date based, 1-Count Based
flagMarkComplete NUMBER 1,0 Yes If this flag is set to TRUE, Journey will be marked as completed as soon as goal is achieved.
targetDateTime TIMESTAMP Yes Display target date for date based goal.
targetTouchPointId NUMBER 20 Yes Display target touch point Id for Count based goal.
targetEventId NUMBER 20 Yes Display target event id for Count based goal.
targetAudienceCount NUMBER 20 Yes Display target audience count for Count based goal.
Table 41. DefaultConnection
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
CONNECTIONNAME VARCHAR2 250 Yes Link's connection name selected as default for Link integration
CONNECTIONTYPE VARCHAR2 50 Yes Type of that connection whether CRM, Emaill or SMS
CREATEDDATE TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
CREATEDBY NUMBER Yes Foregin key of USER table, which tell who created this record
LASTMODIFIEDDATE TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and time of record
LASTMODIFIEDBY NUMBNER 20 Yes Foregin key of USER table, which tells who modified the record
VERSION NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 42. AudienceResponseMetaData
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
audienceResponseId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of the AudienceResponse table of which record the extended information it relates to
linkURL VARCHAR2 250 Yes URL of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
linkId NUMBER 20 Yes LinkId of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
isProcessed NUMBER 1,0 No A Flag which idicates whether the record been processed for Reporting or not
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
responseTimeEpoch NUMBER No The date time stamp of the response
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 43. AudienceCount
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
entrySourceId NUMBER 20 No Unique Identifier of entrysource
entrySourceType VARCHAR2 250 No Type of entrysource
entrySourceDetail VARCHAR2 2000 Yes Details of entrysource i.e. token for REST ES, file name for File ES, topic name for kafka ES etc
audienceCount NUMBER 15 Yes Total number of audiences entered in system for specific entrusource
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 44. TouchPointBatches
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
batchID VARCHAR2 250 No Unique batchId generated by Java Code
batchSize NUMBER 20 Yes Size of the Audience List which send in this current batch
touchPointID NUMBER 20 No Refrence TouchPoint Id for which audience is procedding Further to Deliver Channel
connectionType NUMBER 20 No Enum Type Value to refer the type of touch Point
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 45. BatchIDAudiencedataMap
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
touchPointBatchId (Foreign key) NUMBER No Foreign key TouchPointId(Email/SMS/CRM) for which the Comunication is going to send for an audience List
audienceID NUMBER 20 No RefrenceAudienceId related to the current batch
audienceMetaData VARCHAR2 255 Yes Significat Field value based on the touchPoint for which audience is proceeding to the Delivery Channel to send the Notifications.
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 46. SalesforceTouchPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
isConnectorConfigured NUMBER 1,0 Yes 0- Sales Force Touch Point is not configured Yet. 1-Sales Force Touch Point is Successfully Configured with mandate values.
connectorInfo VARCHAR2 200 Yes Connection Name (Like: SalesForce) for which CRM touch Point is configured
dataFieldMapping CLOB Yes It has the Json value of Fields Mapping(Journey Fields Mapped with the Connector's Fields) based on Channel used to configure the CRM Touch Point.
Table 47. JourneyDateFormat
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
format VARCHAR2 20 No Date format string e.g. dd-MM-yyyy
description VARCHAR2 100 Yes Information about date format if any
userCreated NUMBER 1,0 Yes Indicates whether date format is system created or user created. Can be 0/1. If format is user created, its 1. If format is system created, its 0
isValid NUMBER 1,0 Yes Display whether the given date format is valid or not.
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes Name of the user who created this record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 48. JourneyDeliverResponseMaster
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
touchPointId NUMBER 20 No Id of point for which deliver response is received
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Id of audience for which deliver response is received
email VARCHAR2 100 No Display the email address
responseTime TIMESTAMP Yes Response time received from deliver
mailingInstanceId NUMBER 20 No Mailing instance id received from Deliver
mailingSeqNum NUMBER 20 No Mailing sequence number received from Deliver
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes Stores the Thread name of Deliver sending this record to Journey. The possible values are Contact, Inet, or LinkMaster. This field is not related to the Deliver User, it is related to the Deliver Thread.
updatedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Updation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
responseTimeEpoch NUMBER The date time stamp of the response
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
updatedDateEpoch NUMBER The date time stamp when the Goal was updated/edited
Table 49. JourneyDeliverResponseEvent
Field Type Length NULL? Description
Note: From V12.1.3, Table JourneyDeliverResponseEvent is not functional. This functionality is moved to ignite from database.
Table 50. JourneyDeliverResponseMaster
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
touchPointId NUMBER 20 No Id of point for which deliver response is received
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Id of audience for which deliver response is received
email VARCHAR2 100 No Display email address
responseTime TIMESTAMP Yes Response time received from Deliver
mailingInstanceId NUMBER 20 No Mailing instance id received from Deliver
mailingSeqNum NUMBER 20 No Mailing sequence number received from Deliver
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes Stores the Thread name of Deliver sending this record to Journey. The possible values are Contact, Inet, or LinkMaster. This field is not related to the Deliver User, it is related to the Deliver Thread.
updatedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display updation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
Table 51. JourneyDeliverResponseLink
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
touchPointId NUMBER 20 No Id of point for which deliver response is received
mailingInstanceId NUMBER 20 No Mailing instance id received from Deliver
linkId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of Link for given event
linkUrl VARCHAR2 500 Yes Display Link url for given Link id
responseTime TIMESTAMP Yes Response time received from Deliver
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes Stores the Thread name of Deliver sending this record to Journey. The possible values are Contact, Inet, or LinkMaster. This field is not related to the Deliver User, it is related to the Deliver Thread.
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
responseTimeEpoch NUMBER The date time stamp of the response
Table 52. AudienceResponseInteraction
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
engagementSplitPointId NUMBER 20 No Display EngagementSplitPointId
audienceResponseId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 No Foregin key of AudienceResponse table, Refrence column is ID
audienceResponseMetaDataId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of JourneyAudiences table, Refrence column is ID
isProcessed NUMBER 1,0 No Foregin key of AudienceResponseMetaData table, Refrence column is ID
eventId NUMBER 20 No Display id of AudienceResponseEventMaster table
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Yes Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 53. CampaignEntrySource
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
entrySourceId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Reference id of Primary Parent Table
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
Table 54. TemplateLinks
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
touchPointId NUMBER 20 No Display TouchPointId
journeyId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key of Journeys table, Reference column ID
linkUrl VARCHAR2 2000 YES URL of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
linkId NUMBER 20 YES LinkId of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
templateId VARCHAR2 200 No The id of the template
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 Yes Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
version NUMBER 20 YES Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 55. JourneyTouchPoints
Field Type Length NULL? Description
Id(Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyId(Foreign key) Number 20 YES Foreign key of Journeys table, Reference column ID.
touchPointTable VARCHAR 32 YES The table which details of the Touch Point are available in
touchPointId NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key TouchPoint for which Deliver is configured.
isDirty NUMBER 1,0 YES The record has been updated/edited
status VARCHAR 20 Yes

This contain ordinal number for Journey status as below:





createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 56. JourneyGoalMaster
Field Type Length NULL? Description
Id(Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyId NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key of Journeys table, Reference column ID.
name VARCHAR2 250 Yes Name of Journey
description VARCHAR2 512 Yes Description of Journey
goalType NUMBER 20 NO 0-Date based, 1-Count Based
completedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Date and time at which journey is completed (if goal is completed or manually by mark Journey as complete)
flagMarkComplete NUMBER 1,0 Yes If this flag is set to TRUE, Journey will be marked as completed as soon as goal is achieved.
flagFrequencyEnabled NUMBER 1,0 YES Indicates that the Goal is frequency based
frequency NUMBER 20 YES The frequency of the Goal - daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
updatedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Updation date and time of record
updatedBy(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Name of the user who updated this record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
updatedDateEpoch NUMBER The date time stamp when the Goal was updated/edited
completedDateEpoch NUMBER NO The date time stamp when the journey was completed
Table 57. JourneyGoalDate
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) (Foreign key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
targetDateTime TIMESTAMP Yes Display target date for date based goal.
targetDateTimeEpoch NUMBER NO The date time stamp when the Goal is valid until
Table 58. JourneyGoalContact
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) (Foreign key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
targetTouchPointId NUMBER 20 Yes Display target touch point Id for Count based goal.
targetEventId NUMBER 20 Yes Display target event id for Count based goal.
targetLink VARCHAR2 512 YES The link for which a contact Goal is defined
targetAudienceCount NUMBER 20 Yes Display target audience count for Count based goal.
Table 59. JourneyGoalSales
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) (Foreign key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
targetTouchPointId NUMBER 20 Yes Display target touch point Id for Count based goal.
targetAudienceCount NUMBER 20 Yes Display target audience count for Count based goal.
Table 60. JourneyGoalContactVersions
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
journeyGoalContactId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES A reference to JourneyGoalContact
targetAudienceCount NUMBER` 20 Yes Display target audience count for Count based goal.
updatedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Updation date and time of record
updatedBy(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Name of the user who updated this record
createdDate folderType TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
updatedDateEpoch NUMBER The date time stamp when the Goal was updated/edited
Table 61. JourneyGoalSalesVersions
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
journeyGoalSalesId(Foreign key) NUMBER` 20 A reference to JourneyGoalSales
targetAudienceCount NUMBER 20 Yes Display target audience count for Count based goal.
updatedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Updation date and time of record
updatedBy(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Name of the user who updated this record
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
updatedDateEpoch NUMBER The date time stamp when the Goal was updated/edited
Table 62. JourneyGoalContactTransaction
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id(Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
journeyGoalContactId(Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES A reference to JourneyGoalContact
startDate DATE Journey start date
endDate DATE Journey end date
currentAudienceCount NUMBER 20 The current number of audiences that have achieved the Goal
percentage NUMBER 6,2 Captures percentage of goal achieval
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 63. JourneyGoalSalesTransaction
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
journeyGoalSalesId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 A reference to JourneyGoalSales
startDate DATE Journey start date
endDate DATE Journey end date
currentAudienceCount NUMBER 20 Display count of exiting audiences
percentage NUMBER 6,2 Captures percentage of goal achieval
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 64. JourneyAudienceGoal
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
audienceId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 No Foreign key of Aidience Id of JourneyAudience Table, to whom response is elated to
goalId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Display goal id
goalStatus VARCHAR2 100 Yes Latest goal status of audience
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
responsetime TIMESTAMP Yes Response time received from deliver
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
responsetimeEpoch NUMBER
Table 65. InteractEntrySource
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
entrySourceId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Entrysources table, Reference column ID.
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
Table 66. DiscoverEntrySource
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
entrySourceId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Entrysources table, Reference column ID.
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
Table 67. AdtechTouchPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
isConnectorConfigured NUMBER 1,0 Yes 0- Sales Force Touch Point is not configured Yet. 1-Sales Force Touch Point is Successfully Configured with mandate values.
connectorInfo VARCHAR2 200 Yes Connection Name (Like: SalesForce) for which CRM touch Point is configured
dataFieldMapping CLOB Yes It has the Json value of Fields Mapping(Journey Fields Mapped with the Connector's Fields) based on Channel used to configure the CRM Touch Point.
channelAgent VARCHAR2 50 Yes Channels Enum Value which indicates through which Channel the touch point is configured.
isEdited NUMBER 1,0 No A Boolean Flag to identify whether the TouchPoint is Edited after Publish the Journey or Not
Table 68. AudienceBulkResponse
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
touchPointId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key TouchPoint for which Deliver is configured.
batchID NUMBER 20 NO Unique batchId generated by Java Code
eventId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 NO Display id of AudienceResponseEventMaster table
responseJson CLOB The JSON of the response for a request
audienceCount NUMBER 20 NO Count of total audiences which are on given node for given stage
responseTime TIMESTAMP Yes Response time received from deliver
updateCount NUMBER 20 Display updated audience resonse count
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
modifiedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and time of record
createdBy (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
isProcessed NUMBER 1,0 NO A Flag which idicates whether the record been processed for Reporting or not
responseTimeEpoch NUMBER NO The date time stamp of the response
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
modifiedDateEpoch NUMBER The date time stamp of when the data was modified
Table 69. ContextSensitiveUrls
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
menuId NUMBER NO Display the menu id
locale VARCHAR2 32 Yes Display user's Platform locale
linkUrl VARCHAR2 250 Yes URL of the Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 100 YES Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
modifiedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and time of records
modifiedBy VARCHAR2 100 Yes Foregin key of USER table, which tells who modified the record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
modifiedDateEpoch NUMBER The date time stamp of when the data was modified
Table 70. JourneyMilestone
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
journeyId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key of Journeys table, Reference column ID.
name VARCHAR2 64 NO Name of Journey
description VARCHAR2 512 Yes Description of Journey
milestoneCondition CLOB NO The condition JSON for the MileStone
milestoneType NUMBER 20 NO The type of the MileStone
targetCount NUMBER 20 NO The target for the MileStone
currentCount NUMBER 20 NO The current count for the MileStone
status NUMBER 20

This contain ordinal number for Journey status as below:





createdBy (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
targetAchievedDate TIMESTAMP NO The date that the target was achieved (will be deprecated in the future)
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
targetAchievedDateEpoch NUMBER NO The date time stamp when the target was achieved
Table 71. MilestoneAssociation
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
milestoneId NUMBER 20 Yes Display set milestone id
entrySourceId NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Entrysources table, Reference column ID.
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 72. LinkMetaData
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
touchPointId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key TouchPoint for which Deliver is configured.
metadata CLOB Yes Json used to save additional information of Journey-Deliver Association
state VARCHAR2 20 Yes Not in use
deploymentId NUMBER 20 The deployment ID used with Link
documentID NUMBER 20 Yes Associated attribute for Journey and Deliver at Design Time
documentName VARCHAR 200 Yes Associated attribute for Journey and Deliver at Design Time
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
lastModifiedDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display last modified date and Time of Record
VERSION NUMBER 20,0 YES Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
Table 73. JourneyAudienceMilestone
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Display Id of audience record
milestoneId NUMBER 20 Display the set milestone id
journeyId NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key of Journeys table, Reference column ID.
achievedDate TIMESTAMP NO The date the MileStone was achieved
journeyEnteredDate TIMESTAMP NO The date when the audience entered the Journey
averageTimeTaken NUMBER 20 NO The average time taken for the audience to complete the Journey
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
achievedDateEpoch NUMBER Captures date and time in milliseconds when given audience id achieves given milestone in a journey
journeyEnteredDateEpoch NUMBER Captures date and time in milliseconds when given audience id entered the Journey
Table 74. JDBCTouchPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
isConnectorConfigured NUMBER 1,0 Yes 0- Sales Force Touch Point is not configured Yet. 1-Sales Force Touch Point is Successfully Configured with mandate values.
connectorInfo VARCHAR2 200 Yes Connection Name (Like: SalesForce) for which CRM touch Point is configured
dataFieldMapping CLOB Yes It has the Json value of Fields Mapping(Journey Fields Mapped with the Connector's Fields) based on Channel used to configure the CRM Touch Point.
channelAgent VARCHAR2 50 Yes Channels Enum Value which indicates through which Channel the touch point is configured.
isEdited NUMBER 1,0 NO A Boolean Flag to identify whether the TouchPoint is Edited after Publish the Journey or Not
Table 75. RestTouchPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
isConnectorConfigured NUMBER 1,0 Yes 0- Sales Force Touch Point is not configured Yet. 1-Sales Force Touch Point is Successfully Configured with mandate values.
requestPayloadType NUMBER 1,0 NO The type of the request payload in the REST touchpoint
requestPayload CLOB The request paylooad in the REST touchpoint
responseFieldMapping CLOB YES The field mapping for the response field
authId NUMBER 20 NO The ID for the authentication mechanism used by the REST touchpoint
Table 76. AuthDetail
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
restUrl VARCHAR2 1000 NO The URL for the REST touchpoint
apiMethod NUMBER 1,0 NO The verb to be used with the REST touchpoint
authType NUMBER 1,0 NULL The authorization type for the REST touchpoint
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
Table 77. BasicAuthDetail
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
userName VARCHAR2 250 No Display Platform user name
password VARCHAR2 250 No Display Platform password
Table 78. BasicAuthDetail
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
userName VARCHAR2 250 No Display Platform user name
password VARCHAR2 250 No Display Platform password
Table 79. ApiKeyAuthDetail
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
keyName VARCHAR2 250 The key nanme field used with the REST touchpoint for authentication
header VARCHAR2 250 The header field used with the REST touchpoint for authentication
Table 80. OAuthDetail
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
clientId VARCHAR2 250 No Id by which third party application can login
clientSecret VARCHAR2 250 No Password by which third party application can login
accessTokenUrl VARCHAR2 1000 The access token url for OAuth used with the REST touchpoint
userName VARCHAR2 250 No Display Platform user name
Password VARCHAR2 250 No Display Platform password
Table 81. ResponseEventMasterHTTPCode
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
audienceResponseId (Foreign key) NUMBER 10 Yes Foreign key of the AudienceResponse table of which record the extended information it relates to
httpresponsecode NUMBER 4 The HTTP response code
errorMessage VARCHAR2 3000 The error message associated with a HTTP response
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
Table 82. AudienceResponseHTTPDetail
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
audienceResponseId (Foreign key) NUMBER 10 Foregin key of AudienceResponse table, Refrence column is ID
httpresponsecode NUMBER 4 The HTTP response code
errorMessage VARCHAR2 3000 The error message associated with a HTTP response
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
Table 83. CacheBackup
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
cacheName VARCHAR2 255 NO The name of the cache used by the Journey application
cacheKey VARCHAR2 255 NO The key used by the cache
cacheValue CLOB The value associated with the key
sourcePoint VARCHAR2 255 The point which uses the cache
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
lastModifiedEpochDate NUMBER
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
active NUMBER 1 NO Display cache backup active status
cacheKeyNameHash NUMBER 30 NO The had used for the name and key of the cache
Table 84. AudienceResponseExtended
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
audienceResponseId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 NO Foreign key of the AudienceResponse table of which record the extended information it relates to
associatedAttributes CLOB The attributes avialable with an audience response
isProcessed NUMBER 1,0 NO A Flag which idicates whether the record been processed for Reporting or not
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 YES Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
responseTimeEpoch NUMBER NO The date time stamp of the response
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
Table 85. EmailUnsubscribedList
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
emailId VARCHAR2 200 NO Display User's Platform email-id
status VARCHAR2 200 Yes

This contain ordinal number for Journey status as below:





channelAgent VARCHAR2 50 Yes Channels Enum Value which indicates through which Channel the touch point is configured.
eventID (Foreign key) Number 20 NO Foriegn key of Event Id, for which event the response is received
audienceResponseId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of the AudienceResponse table of which record the extended information it relates to
audienceResponseExtendedId NUMBER 20 NO The ID of the audience response extended data
createdBy VARCHAR2 200 NO Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
version NUMBER 20 YES Maintains updated count
createdDate TIMESTAMP Display the creation date and time of record
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
modifiedDateTimeEpoch NUMBER
Table 86. Template
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
name VARCHAR2 250 Yes Name of Journey
description VARCHAR2 1024 Yes Description of Journey
code VARCHAR2 11 Yes Unique identifier for DD. every DD have a unique code for identification.
timeZone VARCHAR2 50 Yes Timezone in which journey needs to run, e.g. (UTC-04:00) America/New_York
journeyDesign CLOB Yes It stores the whole Journey design i.e. Journey canvas in JSON
dataDefinitionId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of Datadefinition table, Reference column ID
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
deduplicationStatus NUMBER 2 NO Contain ordinal values as below for how to deal with duplicate data from entry sources
keyfields VARCHAR2 1500 Yes It is array of required fields in data definition used for deduplication
link CLOB Yes Link which is clicked by the audience related to the responseId
sourceJourneyId NUMBER 20 Yes Unique Identifier for source Journey
folderId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of FOLDER table, Reference column name ID
status NUMBER 20 Yes

This contain ordinal number for Journey status as below:





createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
createdBy (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
lastModifiedBy (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foregin key of USER table, which tells who modified the record
Table 87. JourneyPartitionSettings
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
journeyId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key of Journeys table, Reference column ID.
mappingJSON CLOB The JSON used for mapping of the partition settings
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
createdBy (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key of USER table, which tell who created this record
lastModifiedBy (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Yes Foreign key of USER table, which tells who modified the record
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
Table 88. OfferMetaData
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
touchPointId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key TouchPoint for which Deliver is configured.
offerId NUMBER 20 NO The ID of the offer
varientId VARCHAR2 200 The ID of the variant used by the offer
offerCode VARCHAR2 200 NO The offer code
offerName VARCHAR2 200 The offer name
offerURL VARCHAR2 500 NO The offer url
offerLinkId NUMBER 20 YES The ID of the Link URL associated with the offer
offerAttributeJson CLOB YES The JSON of the offer attributes
offerStaticAttributeJson CLOB The JSON of the static attributed of the offer
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
lastModifiedDateEpoch NUMBER Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.
VERSION NUMBER 20,0 YES Maintains updated count
communicationChannel VARCHAR2 500 For storing value of Communication channel in case of Offer integration for REST, Publish and JDBC touchpoints
Table 89. OffersHistory
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
offerMetaDataId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 NO The ID of the metadata associated with the offer
offerId NUMBER 20 NO The ID of the offer
offerCRC NUMBER 20 YES The CRC generated for CHRH
treatmentCode VARCHAR2 200 The treatment code generated used for Contact History, Response History (CHRH) tracking
offerAttributeJson CLOB YES The JSON of the offer attributes
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
VERSION NUMBER 20,0 YES Maintains updated count
Table 90. BatchOfferHistoryMap
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
batchId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 No Unique batchId generated by Java Code
offerHistoryId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 NO The ID for the offer history
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
VERSION NUMBER 20,0 YES Maintains updated count
Table 91. NBOMetaData
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NO Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key.
touchPointId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 YES Foreign key TouchPoint for which Deliver is configured.
channel VARCHAR2 250 Name of interactive channel associated with NBO (Next Best Offer)
audienceLevel VARCHAR2 250 The audience level used for Next Best Offer (NBO)
interactionPoint VARCHAR2 250 The interaction point associated with NBO
event VARCHAR2 250 No It is a json who has List of EventsIds which configured for the sourceTouchPointand the linkid or linkurl in case of Link Event is configured.
runtimeUrl VARCHAR2 250 the runtime URL associated with NBO
interactFieldMapping CLOB The field mapping used for NBO
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format
lastModifiedDate NUMBER Yes Display last modified date and time of records
VERSION NUMBER 20,0 YES Maintains updated count
Table 92. TemplateEntrySourceAssociation
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) NUMBER Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
templateId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20
entrySourceId (Foreign key) NUMBER 20 Reference id of Primary Parent Table
version NUMBER 20 Maintains updated count
status INT
createdDateEpoch NUMBER No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.












CREATE INDEX IDX_EUL_EID ON EmailUnsubscribedList(status,emailId);

Table 93. NotificationTouchPoint
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NUMBER No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
isConnectorConfigured NUMBER 1,0 0- Email Touch Point is not configured Yet. 1- Email Touch Point is Successfully Configured with mandate values.
connectorInfo VARCHAR2 200 Connection Name (Like: MailChimp, Mandril)
dataFieldMapping CLOB Fields Mapped with the Connector's Fields) based on Channel used to configure the Email Touch Point.
channelAgent VARCHAR 50 Channels Enum Value which indicates through which Channel the touch point is configured.
isEdited NUMBER 1,0 No A Boolean Flag to identify whether the TouchPoint is Edited after Publish the Journey or Not
Table 94. AudienceWaitState
Field Type Length NULL? Description
id (Primary key) (Foreign key) NUMBER No Auto genrated unique value, work as a primary key
touchPointId NUMBER 20 No Id of touchpoint
audienceId NUMBER 20 No Id of audience
reason VARCHAR2 2000 No Shows why audience is in wait state for particular touchpoint
createdDateEpoch NUMBER NO Captures date and time in milliseconds when record is created
version Number 20 No Maintains updated count

EndJourneyAudience - This table is used to save audience details of completed or ended journeys. When journey ends or is completed, audiences belong to that journey get deleted from journeyaudiences table and saved to endjourneyaudience table.

Table 95. EndJourneyAudience Field Descriptions
Id No

Auto generated unique value, work as a primary key

journeyId Number 20 Yes

Foreign key of Journeys table,Reference column ID

entrySourceId Number 20 Yes Unique Identifier for entry source
mobileNumber VARCHAR2 20 Yes Contact number of audience
email VARCHAR2 100 Yes Email of audience
createdDate TIMESTAMP Yes Display the creation date and time of record
keyField VARCHAR2 40 Yes SHA256 of key field used for de-duplication
version Number 20 Yes Maintains updated count
detail JSON Yes Journeyaudience details in Json string format
status VARCHAR2 20 Yes Latest status of Journeyaudience
goalStatus VARCHAR2 Yes Latest goal status of audience
createdDateEpoch Number No Date time stamp when the record was added in UTC timezone and Epoch format.