Configuring Publish

Use the Publish orachastration to save contact details at a particular stage. You can use these contact details for analytics, reusing the CSV files and Kafka Entry source in other Journeys, or other actions.

About this task

Publish control gathers audience information at a particular stage and posts this information to a CSV file, a Kafka Entry source, or a Kafka topic. The file will be saved in the Journey server (engine). The file path is configured in the spring.entity.files.upload.defaultPath property inside the file of the Journey engine and the Journey web, and the paths should be the same in the Journey engine as well as the Journey web. The default output location of the Journey files is <JOURNEY_ENGINE_HOME>/Files.

To configure a Publish control, complete the following steps:


  1. From the Journey control panel within the Palette, drag-and-drop the Publish control to the required part on Canvas.
    The Publish dialog appears.
  2. Provide values for the following fields:
    • Name - Mandatory
    • Description - Optional
  3. Select one of the following options to save the contacts:
    • CSV - The fields configured in Data Definition is exported to the CSV file. You can either provide a new CSV file name or type in the name of an existing CSV file. If you select an existing file, the data will be appended to the existing file.
    • Kafka > Entry Source - With a single Publish control, you can configure a maximum of 10 Kafka entry sources. Kafka entry sources, associated with Journeys, will not be listed while configuring the Kafka entry source on the Publish journey control. For a Journey, if a Kafka Entry Source is configured with a Publish Journey Control, and if that same Kafka Entry Source is associated with any other Journey, the data gets processed for the selected Journey as per the configured Data Definition.
    • Kafka > Topic - Posts audience information on a Kafka topic for use by third-party applications. Provide an appropriate name for the topic. The topic is stored on the Kafka server. A Kafka topic name can be up to 50 characters in length and should have A-Z, a-z, 0-9, period (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).
  4. Click Save.