Known issues

The following table lists the known issues in Unica Journey 12.1.3:

Defect ID Known Issue
HMA-338565 In OneDB, the error message column does not populate values for Mailchimp despite throwing error message in incoming response topic and data error table.
HMA-338531 In case of Microsoft SQL Server, when upgrading Journey from to 12.1.1, Performance Reports do not work correctly due to the trigger issue.
HMA-338514 Journey is not getting copied if it has a Link connector.
HMA-338387 For version 12.1.3, the copyright year is incorrect in the Fed Response File ResponseFiles.tar.gz.
HMA-336307 Disable_Validations_On_Journey_Records: No -> With this settings Data greater than set length should get rejected but getting accepted
HMA-334560 offsets.topic.replication.factor=1 property from the kafka get commented in clean as well as overwrite installation.
HMA-333396 Journey - Mobile app change from deliver end
HMA-330727 ORA-02264: name already used by an existing constraint displayed while executing the JourneyReportOracleCreateTables.sql on oracle 12c on single schema for Journey
HMA-334286 Document: HMA-33254- Global Preferance: For non set communication days on journey stats its showing waiting reason as "Invalid communication time"
HMA-334480 Facebook version for 12.1.1 and 12.1.2 is V11.0
HMA-334130 Journey system schema procedure need to compiled manu ally on Oracle Database.
HMA-334459 Zookeeper installed by Journey installer is not getting started
HMA-334549 Edit issue when single external source is mapped to same journey entry source
HMA-334614 When Journey that has preferences configured on Journey or in any touchpoints and then template is created from this Journey and new Journey is created the Journey will not have any preferences retained
HMA-333490 REGBB- (Docker Tomcat) For linkedin not showing states count
HMA-334727 Journey not recommends to edit the global preference time zone in Contact center if that GP is configured with Journey
HMA-335161 User is logged out when tried to access Kafka type of Entry Source- as a workaround please check if asset picker is installed and correctly configured
HMA-338024 Maria DB- Not getting deliver responses in journey as unique constraints are not working for null xid
HMA-338440 12.1.3 - Getting error on running gdpr utility since three log4j jars (log4j-api-2.17.1,log4j-core-2.17.1,log4j-1.2-api-2.17.1) are missing from GDPR lib folder- as a workaround plz copy log4j-api-2.17.1,log4j-core-2.17.1,log4j-1.2-api-2.17.1 under GDPR lib folder
HMA-337225 Web and engine application properties - properties are getting merged after updating or upgrading the build
HMA-337881 Journey audiences archival speed needs improvement
HMA-337336 Journey uninstallation did not remove all the files which is lay down by the installer
HMA-334502 Unable to Publish paused Journey when milestones added and Duplicate records are allowed in Journey settings
HMA-337222 Error message column did not populated for Mailchimp although we get Error message in incoming response topic