Purpose and Scope

Unica Director is a standalone application that allows you to monitor and manage your environments. Every environment has applications installed such as Unica Campaign, Journey etc. Unica Director provides an interface to monitor and manage the applications. This is a command and control center for Unica applications. It requires access to your servers and works over both the intranet and a VPN.

Unica Director is supported from HCL Unica version 11.1 onwards and it supports the following applications:
  • Campaign application
  • onwards Journey application

Unica Director can monitor multiple environments such as development, quality assurance, staging and production clusters. To do this Unica Director agents must be installed on each machine where applications (Campaign / Journey, Web, Kafka and Zookeeper) are installed for each of the environments.

The Unica Director agent runs CLI command to gather information about the application being monitored.

Unica Director allows monitoring multiple environments. User can switch between environments to perform actions such as clean-up of log files, monitor status of web application and so on for the respective applications (Campaign and Journey).