
Before you install or upgrade any Unica product, you must ensure that your computer complies with all of the prerequisite software and hardware.

System requirements

For information about system requirements, see the Recommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements guide.

All HCL Unica products must be at the same release level.

Unica Interact version: This version requires Unica Interact base version 12.1,,,,, 12.1.1, 12.1.2, 12.1.3, 12.1.4, 12.1.5, or 12.1.6. The following are other HCL Unica product version dependencies.

  • Unica Platform must be at version 12.1.7.
  • Unica Campaign must be at version 12.1.7.

Network domain requirements

The Unica products that are installed as a suite must be installed on the same network domain to comply with the browser restrictions that are designed to limit the security risks that can occur with cross-site scripting.

Important: For best performance, install Campaign listener to execute Optimize session on its own system, where no other Unica products are installed. Unica Optimize requires significant computation and data processing resources. You have the greatest control and flexibility for performance-tuning if you operate Unica Optimize in a dedicated environment.

JVM requirements

Unica applications within a suite must be deployed on a dedicated Java virtual machine (JVM). Unica products customize the JVM that is used by the web application server.

Knowledge requirements

To install Unica products, you must have a thorough knowledge of the environment in which the products are installed. This knowledge includes knowledge about operating systems, databases, and web application servers.

Internet browser settings

Make sure that your internet browser complies with the following settings:
  • The browser must not cache web pages.
  • The browser must not block pop-up windows.

Access permissions

Verify that you have the following network permissions to complete the installation tasks:
  • Administration access for all necessary databases
    Note: Administrator must have CREATE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and DROP rights for both tables and views.
  • Read and write access to the relevant directory and sub-directories for the operating system account that you use to run the web application server and Unica components.
  • Write permission for all files that you must edit.
  • Write permission for all directories where you must save a file, such as the installation directory and backup directory if you are upgrading.
  • Appropriate read, write, and execute permissions to run the installer.

Verify that you have the administrative password for your web application server.

For UNIX, all installer files for products must have full permissions, for example, rwxr-xr-x.

The following additional permissions are necessary for UNIX:
  • The user account that installs Campaign and Unica Platform must be a member of the same group as the Unica Campaign users. This user account must have a valid home directory and have write permissions for that directory.
  • All installer files for HCL Unica products must have full permissions, for example, rwxr-xr-x.
Note: For versions 12.0.0 and later, to execute Optimize sessions, users are required to apply for licenses. For more details, contact the HCL Support or Sales team.
Points to consider before you install Unica Campaign

For Unica Campaign installation you are required to consider the following points.

JAVA_HOME environment variable

If a JAVA_HOME environment variable is defined on the computer where you install an Unica product, verify that the variable points to a supported version of JRE. For information about system requirements, see the Unica Recommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements guide.

If the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to an incorrect JRE, you must clear the JAVA_HOME variable before you run the Unica installers.

You can clear the JAVA_HOME environment variable by using one of the following methods:
  • Windows: In a command window, enter set JAVA_HOME= (leave empty) and press Enter.
  • UNIX: In the terminal, enter export JAVA_HOME= (leave empty) and press Enter.

You can clear the JAVA_HOME environment variable by running the following command in the terminal:

export JAVA_HOME= (leave empty)

The Unica installer installs a JRE in the top-level directory for the Unica installation. Individual Unica application installers do not install a JRE. Instead, they point to the location of the JRE that is installed by the Unica installer. You can reset the environment variable after all installations are complete.

For more information about the supported JRE, see the Unica Recommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements guide.

Note: For installations on UNIX, you may require to set the Djava.awt.headless property to true in your web application server. The setting is required only when you are unable to view Unica Optimize reports. See the Unica Campaign Installation Guide for details. You do not require to prepare any additional data sources for Unica Optimize because Unica Optimize uses the Unica Campaign system tables data source.
Note: For versions 12.0.0 and higher, ensure that you do not select the database type Informix as it is not functional. From version and higher, users can use OneDB database as system tables and user tables. See the Unica V12.1.0.3 Installation Guide for OneDB for more details.