Interact design time

The following are the JVM parameters for Interact design time.


This property can be used to specify the username for the authentication of deployment request in case of issues in Platform authentication.

For example: -DInteract.UsernameToAlwaysDeployFor =<username>


This property can be used to specify the timeout for the Deliver APIs which are called while working with Deliver gateway from the Gateway tab. The default value is 15 seconds.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.deliver.templateTimeout=<timeout in milliseconds>


This property can be used to override the default deployment servlet parameter encoding. The default value is UTF-8.

For example: -DDeploymentServletParameterEncoding=UTF-8


This property can be used to provide the datetime format for custom date type columns in FlexOffers rule table. This parameter can be used if the default format for date type columns is not working for FlexOffers rules.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.flexoffers.defaultDateTimeFormat =”dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"


This property can be used to override the default date format while importing FlexOffers rules from csv file or table. The default value is yyyy-MM-dd.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.flexoffers.defaultDateFormat =”yyyy-MM-dd”


This property can be used to specify the number of records to add to FlexOffers rule table at a time. The default value is 5000.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.Campaign.interact.offermapping.batchsize=5000


This property can be used to provide the timeout (in seconds) while synchronizing the FlexOffers rule table in design time and runtime. The default value is 300 seconds.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.Campaign.interact.offermapping.service.synctimeout=<timeout in milliseconds>


This property can be used to provide the timeout for the Interact Offer cache. The default value is 1 minute.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.cacheTTL=<timeout in minutes>


This property can be used to provide the refresh time for Interact Offer cache. The default value is 10 minutes.

For example -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.cacheRefreshIntervalInMin =<refresh time in minutes>


This property can be used to enable the performance metrics logging for Interact design time.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.enableDTPerfLogging =<true | false>


This property can be used to compress API responses in ZIP format. This reduces the time for downloading large data.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.compressAPIResponse =<true | false>


This property is used for controling export coverage result timeout.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.simulation.timeout =< time in seconds>


This property can be used to ignore the special character validations while validating names in Interact design time.

For example: - DignoreSpecialCharacterValidator=<true | false>


This property can be used to provide the custom string delimiter for events and actions.

For example: -DInteract.CustomStringDelimiter=<delimiter>


Limits the number of filtered offers or filtered segments that the system can process in Playback APIs. Oracle has a limit of 20,000 to maximum number of elements it can process with the 'IN' clause. If the offer filters or segment filters defined on playback screen results in more than maxFilteredIdsCount offers or segments, sthe ystem throws an error.

For example: com.unicacorp.interact.playback.maxFilteredIdsCount=20000


Timeout for Playback APIs. Playback data is historical and aggregated so that the APIs can take some time to process large amount of API logs.

For example: com.unicacorp.interact.playback.APITimeoutInSecs=120


This property can be used to specify the protocol to connect to the proxy server.

The value for application can be journey or deliver.

For example:

  • -Dcom.hcl.interact.journey.proxyProtocol=SOCKS
  • -Dcom.hcl.interact.journey.proxyProtocol=HTTP


This property can be used to specify the IP address of the proxy server.

The value for application can be journey or deliver.

The value for proxyProtocol can be HTTP or SOCKS.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.journey.socks.proxyHost=<IP address of server>


This property can be used to specify the listening port of the proxy server.

The value for application can be journey or deliver.

The value for proxyProtocol can be HTTP or SOCKS.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.journey.socks.proxyPort=<Port of server>


This property can be used to specify the username to connect to proxy server. It is not used if no authentication is required.

The value for application can be journey or deliver.

The value for proxyProtocol can be HTTP or SOCKS.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.journey.socks.proxyUsername=<Username for proxy server>


This property can be used to specify the password to connect to proxy server. It is not used if no authentication is required.

The value for application can be journey or deliver.

The value for proxyProtocol can be HTTP or SOCKS.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.journey.socks.proxyPassword=<Password for proxy server>