The [NOT] INCLUDE macro is available in Unica Interact.


data1 INCLUDE data2



This can be an expression or a list of values


This can be a constant or a list of values.


INCLUDE compares both specified data. It returns 1, if any value from data2 is in data1, else it returns 0. If data2 is a string or numeric constant, then it compares with the values in data1. It returns 1 if it is present, else it returns 0.

Note: The INCLUDE macro has a negative version, NOT INCLUDE. The format for this is identical to INCLUDE. NOT INCLUDE returns 1, if the values from data2 are not included in data1


TEMP = {'A', 'B', 'C'} INCLUDE 'A'

Creates a new column named TEMP containing the value 1 (since A is in the list).

TEMP = {'A', 'B', 'C'} INCLUDE 'D'

Creates a new column named TEMP containing the value 0 (since D is not in the list).

TEMP = {1,2,3} INCLUDE 1

Creates a new column named TEMP containing the value 1 (since 1 is in the list).

TEMP = {1,2,3} INCLUDE 4

Creates a new column named TEMP containing the value 0 (since 4 is not in the list).

TEMP = {'A', 'B', 'C'} NOT INCLUDE 'A'

Creates a new column named TEMP containing the value 0 (since A is in the list).

TEMP = {1,2,3} NOT INCLUDE 4

Creates a new column named TEMP containing the value 1 (since 4 is not in the list).

TEMP = EligibleSegments INCLUDE “Segment1”

Creates a new column named TEMP containing the value 1 (if Segment1 is in the EligibleSegments list) or 0 (if it is not).