Enabling and disabling a learning model

Instead of deleting a learning model, you can disable it so that it is not available in a learning channel. You can enable the learning model when you require it to be available in the learning channel again.


  1. Click the name of the learning model that you want to enable or disable on the Self learning tab.

    The Add/edit learning model dialog box opens.

  2. Optional: Click Disable to disable the learning model so that it is no longer available in the interactive channel.
  3. Optional: Click Enable to enable the learning model.
  4. Click Save and return to return to the Self learning tab, or click Save and add another to create a customized learning model.


Auto-binning can be used to create bins based on ranges or list of profile attribute values and then Interact learning system will automatically map the values to the created bin and use for offer assignments.

A new menu “Global Learning" is added under main menu Interact which would lead you to “Global Learning" page. You can use this page to create, edit or delete bin definitions.

Add a new bin definition

1. Go to Interact -> Global Learning

2. Click on Add on “All Bin Definitions" tab. This will take you to “New Bin Definition" page

3. Select an attribute from a dropdown that lists all attributes from all mapped profile tables in design time. Each attribute in the list is suffixed with its data type.

Note : If there are attributes in different profile table that have the same name and same data type then only one attribute is included in the attribute list. If there are two attributes which have the same name but different datatype then both will be displayed, however, only one bin definition will be allowed to be defined because bin mapping on Interact runtime is solely done by attribute name.

4. An empty row in Bin Definitions section will be displayed.

5.Specify Description optionally

6.In Bin Definitions section provide a name for the bin definition.

7.Select “Type" as “Range" or “List".

8.Select the appropriate Operator and provide values as per the selected type and operator.

Note : For “List" type bin you can provide comma separator values in “Value" field or you can click on the pencil icon next to “Value" field to add List values.

9.Click on “Add" button if you wish to add more bin definitions and provide values for each bin definition that you have added.

10.Click on Save to save the bin definition(s) and get back to the list page.

Edit/Delete/Add an existing bin definition

1.Go to Interact -> Global Learning

2.Click on the name link of existing attribute on list page

3.Click on edit on detail page

4.Make required changes to the bin definitions for existing bins or add a new bin definition

5.You can delete existing bin definition by clicking the cross mark under Actions.

6.Save Changes.

When a global deployment package is pushed to run time, all the included bin definitions will be parsed and compared to existing ones.

Note: If there is any change in the bin definition, all the existing data for that attribute will be cleared. In case a new bin is created for an attribute that already has learning data, the existing data will be cleared and future data will be logged according to the new Binning logic.

Delete existing Attributes from “All Bin Definitions"

1.Go to Interact -> Global Learning

2.Select the Attribute(s) you wish to delete.

3.Click on “Delete" button on top right corner to delete the selected attributes and related bin definitions.