Known issues

The following table lists issues in Unica Interact 12.1.1.

Along with the following known issues, the known issues mentioned under the "Known issues" section of Unica Interact, version 12.1 Release Notes document are also applicable.

Issue ID Description

The COM offers for which visibility rules are set and true are still visible in Interact, but with a blank value.

HMA-330388 On the Strategy page, if multiple rules are deleted individually, only the last deleted rule is deleted.

Work around: Select all the rules to be deleted and use batch action to delete them. In addition, save the whole strategy after each delete operation.


MessageConnector and WebConnector are not working with a 400 Status Code for API.

Workaround: Copy the following three jar files from Interact lib directory to WEB-INF/lib in MessageConnector.war and jsConnector.war, respectively.

  • httpclient-4.5.13.jar
  • commons-httpclient.jar
  • httpcore-4.4.13.jar
HMA-327138 Newly added rules on strategy are lost when pagination is changed from 50 to 10.
HMA-330357 In the Offer List popup box, the offer list type is incorrect and the description is not displayed. This issue is specific to a case when COM is integrated.
HMA-329365 The following error occurs while upgrading the design time MariaDB database from 12.1 to 12.1.1.

"ERROR upgradeTool.ACMigSysDBUpgradeTask [] - SQL execution failed: (conn=1771631) Unknown column 'Name' in 'uaci_smartrule'"Solution: verify a column "RuleName" exists and column "Name" does not in the table UACI_SmartRule.

This error can be ignored.
HMA-330281 In FlexOffers UI, if you uncheck the box to mark a Boolean typed column and have the value False, it is not properly saved to the database table. As a result, filters with a condition requiring this column to have the value False does not return expected results.

Work around: Instead of using condition BooleanColumn=False, use BooleanColumn<>True.

HMA-327134 Duplicate multiple rules or rows on FlexOffers do not work correctly.
HMA-324587 EPETLReport: For EventPattern ETL report for New EP, SQL exception occurs while processing EP State
HMA-323938 Syntax check fails when Strng_concat function is used in InteractiveFlowchart with numeric values.
HMA-322890 In the Event Pattern report, the advanced event pattern name is getting truncated for long strings.
HMA-321599 On searching Offer or Segment for 'Suppress Offer' and 'Qualify Segment' action, Offer and Segment Folders are displayed.

An error occurs on Trigger message tab of Interactive channel, when the users configure Journey Outbound Channel on version 12.1 under Affinium| Campaign|partitions|partition1|Interact|outboundChannels.


Delete the previously created outbound channels and create newchannels with the same name. Mappings can be done from the user interface on the Gateway tab of Strategy.

HMA-327384 IE-11: Rows on FlexOffers get refreshed one by one when scrolled up down or edited advanced option for a particular row.
HMA-311334 When EffectiveDate or ExpirationDate is used in a FlexOffers filter condition, using variables will cause run time error, while using a date constant selected from the datepicker works.
HMA-310853 REST API Swagger: Search criteria condition and multiple attribute sorting is not working from Swagger.
HMA-309271 Unable to create OM by selecting CSV file from Swagger UI
HMA-306001 On the new Strategy UI, when changing the offer of an existing smart rule, the parameterized offer attributes are reset to their default values as defined in the new offer. In addition, if an offer attribute is used in the eligibility or score predicate, it may become invalid and manual validation and update are required.
HMA-329791 Slowness when working on Advanced Options of strategy and FlexOffers when there are a large number of offers, segments, and/or profile attributes.