Folders, subfolders, and access settings

The reports for each Unica application are organized into folders and subfolders with names that represent both the application and the purpose of the report in the Public Folders area.

During installation, the system implementers imported the Cognos® Connection reports archive for each Unica application to the Public Folders area.

The folders and subfolders are also used by the security access control model for Unica Campaign, Unica Interact, and Unica Deliver, which includes security settings for the reports by folder. The security policies for those applications grant users access to all reports in a folder. The access control model for Unica Plan does not provide this level of access. In Unica Plan, you either have access to all reports or no reports.

As a best practice, do not rename the folders or subfolders in the Cognos Connection interface. If you do, you must configure your application so that it recognizes the changed folder names.

  • For Unica Campaign, Unica Deliver, and Unica Interact, select Settings > Configuration. Under Campaign > partitions > [partition name] > reports, edit the values of the reporting folder properties to match the names of the folders.
  • For Unica Plan, open the plan_config.xml file and edit the values for the reportsAnalysisSectionHome and reportsAnalysisTabHome configuration settings.