Triggered messages

Triggered messages allows you to deliver offers to a different channel than the one where the request was sent in Interact. These offers are triggered by predefined user events and/or event patterns.

In Unica Interact, events are posted for an audience ID, which triggers a predefined notification rule. The rule results in a push of the selected offer to this audience ID in a different outbound channel. The inbound channel, which triggered this message does not receive the offers from Interact as the result of the triggered event post. However, the same offer may still be returned to the inbound channel as the result of getOffers or getOffersForMultipleInteractionPoints API calls.

Events and event patterns are the two types of triggers that are used in the triggered messages process flow.

Once an event or event pattern is triggered, the eligibility conditions determine what offer selection method is used and which channel is used for offer delivery. You can select an audience level eligibility and add conditions based on eligible segments, profile attributes, and session attributes.

You also have to set offer criteria. You can choose between automatically selecting the next best offer or selecting the best offer from a list of offers.

After you select the offers for your triggered messages, you must specify at least one outbound channel for these offers. You can also add a delay factor for the channel so that messages are sent at a later calculated time from the time the trigger occurred. The delay factor is specified between event or event patter execution and offer delivery time. Without a delay factor, the message is sent the moment it is triggered.