Strategy migration utility tool

A utility is provided to migrate the strategies created using the old Strategy user interface prior to version 12.0 to the new models so that they can be viewed and edited on the new Strategy user interface.

In addition, this strategy migration tool can be used to revert the migration, i.e., smart strategies introduced in Unica Interact version 12.0 to the older model.
Note: This migration utility only needs to be run when upgrading Interact from version prior to 12.0 to any version up to From 12.1.0,3 onwards, Interact DT Upgrade Tool will run this utility automatically to migrate all old strategies to smart strategies.


By running the strategy migration utility, an older strategy can be planned to migrate to a smart strategy introduced in Interact version 12.0. Users are able to migrate selective strategies or all strategies based on their requirements.

By running the same utility, a migrated smart strategy can be reverted back to the old model. Similarly, reversion can be done on selective strategies or all strategies based on their requirements.

Properties setups for the strategy migration utility

Before running this utility, users must navigate to the path <Installation_Directory>\Interact\interactDT\tools\upgrade\conf and open ‘ file for configuring properties required for the desired migration or reversion.

Users must change the following properties based on the usage.

  • DeleteOldRulesAndRuleGroups: This property decides whether the migrated rule group (UACI_RuleGroup) and rule (UACI_Rule) data after migration must be deleted. This property is only applicable for migration.
    • If this property is set to YES, then the migrated strategy cannot be reverted to the old model. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the value of this property to NO, so that there is a possibility of comparison to decide whether reversion is required after migration. In case this property is set to YES, you must keep the back up of data for UACI_RuleGroup and UACI_Rule tables.
    • If this property is set to No, the old strategy is still available for viewing through the associated campaign object. However, it cannot be edited or deployed.
  • ICNameList: This property specifies the interactive channels whose strategies will be migrated or reverted. It must be a comma (,) separated list of interactive channel names. For example: ICNameList=WebIC1, WebIC2. If the strategies in all interactive channels are required to be migrated or reverted, use an asterisk (*) as the value: ICNameList=*.
  • StrategyNameList: This property specifies the strategies that are migrated or reverted. It must be a comma (,) separated list of strategy names. For example: StrategyNameList= WebStrategy1, WebStrategy2). If all strategies need to be migrated/reverted, use an asterisk (*) as the value: StrategyNameList=*.
    Note: ICNameList and StrategyNameList work together to determine which strategies will be affected. In other words, a strategy specified in StrategyNameList must exist in an interactive channel specified in ICNameList in order for it to be migrated or reverted.

Procedure for running the utility for migration or reverting migration

Once the properties are set properly, the strategy migration or reversion can be performed by the following approaches.
  • Running the strategy migration utility for strategy migration
    The strategy migration can be performed by executing the standalone batch file aciSmartStrategyUpgradeTool.bat or the shell script file from path <Installation_Directory>\Interact\interactDT\tools\upgrade.
    • If a strategy is marked for deployment or un-deployment state, it is skipped while this tool continues the migration for the rest of the strategies.
    • If a strategy is already migrated and users are running the strategy migration tool for the same strategy, the tool gives the error message "The Strategy ID <strategyId> is already present in database and it is already migrated. Please use this migration tool to clean the new data and try again."
  • Running the strategy migration utility for reverting strategy migration
    Users can revert the migration of the smart strategy introduced in version 12.0 to the previous version by running strategy migration utility. Users must run the command "aciSmartStrategyUpgradeTool.bat REVERT" or " REVERT" from <Installation_Directory>\Interact\interactDT\tools \upgrade to revert the migration.
    • If a strategy is marked for deployment or undeployment, it is skipped and this tool continues to revert the rest of the strategies.
    • After being reverted, a strategy is displayed on the interactive channel Summary page, but not available on the new strategy UI. It will also be editable and can be marked for deployment or undeployment.
    • If the users have migrated the strategy from old to smart strategy and added or modify the migrated smart strategy from new UI, the new or updated rules will not be available after being reverted.

Strategy Data for migration

The strategy data migration process from the previous version to the current version 12.1 copies the data from the older UACI_Rule/UACI_RuleGroup/UACI_Predicate tables into UACI_SmartRule/ UACI_SmartRuleGroup/UACI_SmartRuleToRuleGroup tables.

The strategy data migration from the previous versions to the current version 12.1 includes the data upgrade to the UACI_SmartRule, UACI_SmartRuleGroup, and UACI_SmartRuleToRuleGroup tables.

  • Data migration into UACI_SmartRule table: The data of UACI_Rule, UACI_ RuleGroup, and UACI_Predicate tables is migrated into UACI_SmartRule table. The column wise details of data migration from UACI_Rule, UACI_ RuleGroup and UACI_Predicate tables into UACI_SmartRule table are as follows.
    • The data of UACI_Rule table is migrated to UACI_SmartRule table. The column wise details of data migration from UACI_Rule table to UACI_SmartRule table is as follows.
      Existing column name of UACI_Rule table Migrated column name of UACI_SmartRule table
      RuleId RuleId
      MarketWeight MarketWeight
      Disabled Disabled
      OfferID OfferID
      ZoneID ZoneID
      CreateDate CreateDate
      CreateBy CreateBy
      UpdateDate UpdateDate
      UpdateBy UpdateBy
      MaxScore MaxScore
      SuppressCount SuppressCount
    • The data of UACI_RuleGroup table is migrated to UACI_SmartRule table. The column wise details of data migration from UACI_RuleGroup table to UACI_SmartRule table is as follows.
      Existing column name of UACI_RuleGroup table Migrated column name of UACI_SmartRule table
      CellId CellId
      StrategyId StrategyId
      SegmentId SegmentId
      LearningMode LearningMode
      LearningModeId LearningModeId
    • The data of UACI_Predicate table will be migrated to UACI_SmartRule table. The column wise details of data migration from UACI_Predicate table to UACI_SmartRule table is as follows.
      Existing column name of UACI_Predicate table Migrated column name of UACI_SmartRule table
      PredicateId EligibilityPredicateId, ScorePredicateId
      EnableStateID EligibilityPredicateEnabled, ScorePredicateEnabled
      The value of EligibilityPredicateId, ScorePredicateId, EligibilityPredicateEnabled and ScorePredicateEnabled of UACI_SmartRule table will be migrated based on the following condition:
      Value of column UACI_Predicate.EnableStateID Migrated column value of UACI_SmartRule table
      2 UACI_SmartRule.EligibilityPredicateId = UACI_Predicate.PredicateId, EligibilityPredicateEnabled = 1, ScorePredicateEnabled = 0
      3 UACI_SmartRule.ScorePredicateId = UACI_Predicate. PredicateId, EligibilityPredicateEnabled = 0, ScorePredicateEnabled = 1
      1 EligibilityPredicateEnabled = 0, ScorePredicateEnabled = 0
      • If UACI_Predicate.EnableStateID = 2, then value of UACI_Predicate.PredicateId is migrated to the value of UACI_SmartRule.EligibilityPredicateId, and value of EligibilityPredicateEnabled and ScorePredicateEnabled will be set as 1 and 0, respectively.
      • If UACI_Predicate.EnableStateID = 3, then value of UACI_Predicate.PredicateId is migrated to the value of UACI_SmartRule.ScorePredicateId, and value of EligibilityPredicateEnabled and ScorePredicateEnabled will be set as 0 and 1, respectively.
      • If UACI_Predicate.EnableStateID = 1, then value of both the columns EligibilityPredicateEnabled and ScorePredicateEnabled is set as 0. We will keep default value as 0 for both EligibilityPredicateEnabled and ScorePredicateEnabled column.
      Note: The value of UACI_SmartRule.RuleName is migrated as MigratedRule-< UACI_Rule .RuleId>. The values of other columns of UACI_SmartRule table are migrated as their default values.
  • Data migration into UACI_SmartRuleGroup table: The data of UACI_RuleGroup table will be migrated into UACI_SmartRuleGroup table. The column wise details of data migration from UACI_RuleGroup table to UACI_SmartRuleGroup table is as follows.
    Existing column name of UACI_RuleGroup table Migrated column name of UACI_RuleGroup table
    RuleGroupID RuleGroupID
    StrategyId StrategyId
    CreateDate CreateDate
    CreateBy CreateBy
    UpdateDate UpdateDate
    UpdateBy UpdateBy
    Note: The value of UACI_SmartRuleGroup.RuleGroupName is migrated as MigratedRuleGroup-< UACI_RuleGroup .RuleGroupID>. The value of UACI_SmartRuleGroup.RuleGroupType is migrated as value 1, which indicates the ‘Normal’ value for ‘ABTesting’. The value of all other column of UACI_SmartRuleGroup table is migrated as per their default values.
  • Data migration into UACI_SmartRuleToRuleGroup table: The data of UACI_Rule table will be migrated into UACI_SmartRuleToRuleGroup table. The column wise details of data migration from UACI_Rule table to UACI_ SmartRuleToRuleGroup table is as follows:
    Existing column name of UACI_Rule table Migrated column name of UACI_SmartRuleToRuleGroup table
    RuleID RuleID
    RuleGroupID RuleGroupID

Strategy data for reverting migration

If users run the strategy migration utility for reverting the migration of smart strategies introduced in Version 12.0 to a previous version, then all the rules or rule-groups data of the migrated smart strategy from UACI_SmartRule or UACI_SmartRuleGroup /UACI_SmartRuleToRuleGroup tables will be deleted.