Reserved parameters

There are several reserved parameters used with the Unica Interact API. Some are required for the runtime server, and others you can use for additional features.

API parameters

Feature Parameter Description
Log to custom table UACICustomLoggerTableName The name of a table in the runtime tables data source. If you provide this parameter with a valid table name, the runtime environment writes all session data to the selected table. All column names in the table that match session data NameValuePair are populated. The runtime environment populates any column that does not match a session name-value pair with a null. You can manage the process which writes to the database with the customLogger configuration properties.
Log to a specific file UACILogSeparationFileName Custom log filename: This parameter enables the runtime environment to write all logs that belong to this session to the specified log file. The file with the specified name is created at default log location, if not available.

For simulator, the parameter is automatically added. Log file name format is <Simulator-Basic-{scenarioName}.log>, <Simulator-Advanced-{scenarioName}.log>, and <Simulator-Coverage-{scenarioName}.log> for basic, advanced, and coverage scenarios, respectively.

Multiple response types UACILogToLearning An integer with the value 1 or 0. 1 indicates the runtime environment should log the event as an accept to the learning system or enable offer suppression within a session. 0 indicates the runtime environment should not log the event to the learning system or enable offer suppression within a session. This parameter enables you to create several postEvent methods logging different response types without influencing learning. You do not need to define this parameter for events set to log a contact, accept, or reject. You must use this parameter in conjunction with UACIResponseTypeCode. If you do not define UACILOGTOLEARNING, the runtime environment assumes the default value of 0 (unless the event triggers a log contact, accept, or reject).
UACIResponseTypeCode A value representing a response type code. The value must be a valid entry in the UA_UsrResponseType table
Response tracking UACIOfferTrackingCode The treatment code for the offer. You must define this parameter if the event logs to contact or response history. You can only pass one treatment code per event. If you do not pass the treatment code for an offer contact, the runtime environment logs an offer contact for every offer in the last recommended list of offers. If you do not pass the treatment code for a response, the runtime environment returns an error. If you configure the cross-session response tracking, you can use the UACIOfferTrackingcodeType parameter to define what type of tracking code you use other than treatment code.
Cross-session response tracking UACIOfferTrackingCodeType A number which defines the tracking code type. 1 is the default treatment code, and 2 is the offer code. All codes must be valid entries in the UACI_TrackingType table. You can add other, custom codes to this table.
Specific flowchart execution UACIExecuteFlowchartByName If you define this parameter for any method which triggers segmentation (startSession, setAudience, or a postEvent that triggers re-segmentation), instead of running all flowcharts for the current audience level, Unica Interact runs only the named flowcharts. You can provide a list of flowcharts separated by a pipe ( | ) character.
Ability to limit the offer field in getOffers API at Interact RunTime UACIOfferFields and UACIExcludeOfferFields You can include/exclude the UACIOfferFields and UACIExcludeOfferFields attributes of an offer by passing these attribute in the parameter of startSession, setAudience, or a postEvent.
Reset Event Pattern
  • ResetEventPattern. This parameter resets event pattern states for all patterns for the Audience ID.
  • PatternToReset. This parameter resets event pattern states for specific event patterns. Either Pattern ID or Pattern Name can be reset. This parameter can be only passed with ResetEventPattern parameter.
You can reset the states of a specific pattern or all patterns for a particular audience ID, which is associated to the session. You must post event with a special parameter. The event must not have any associated explicit actions.
Reset offer suppression
  • ResetOfferSuppression.This parameter resets offer suppression rules for all offers for the Audience ID.
  • OfferToResetSuppression. This parameter resets offer suppression rules for specific offers. Either offer ID or offer code can be reset. To reset offer suppression for offers having offer code with multiple parts, offer code must be separated by commas. For example, offer Code1, offer Code2, offerCode3 and so on. This parameter can be only passed with ResetOfferSuppression parameter.
You can reset the states of a specific offer suppression rule or all offer suppression rules for a particular audience ID, which is associated to the session. You must post event with a special parameter. The event must not have any associated explicit actions.
Remove session parameter before API call UACIPreRemoveParameter. Comma separated names of the parameters that you want to remove from the session before API call. This parameter is helpful when you want to remove some parameters already set in the session by previous API calls. Multiple parameter names can be passed and comma separated.
Remove session parameter after API call UACIPostRemoveParameter. Comma separated names of the parameters that you want to remove from the session after the API call is executed. This parameter is helpful when you want to remove some parameters that are not required for further processing. Multiple parameter names can be passed and comma separated.
Synchronous flowchart execution UACIWaitForSegmentation If you define this parameter for any method which triggers segmentation (startSession, setAudience, or a postEvent that triggers re-segmentation), flowcharts for the current audience level are executed synchronously. Timeout for this synchronous execution is defined by Platform configuration at path Affinium|interact|offerserving|segmentationMaxWaitTimeInMS

Example : UACIWaitForSegmentation|true|string

Get the cached offers UACICachedOffers If you define this parameter for getOffers API call, then the offers from previous getOffers call are returned without executing the arbitration logic. If previous list of offers is empty, then offer arbitration takes place and new set of offers are returned. Offer caching feature is enabled when Platform configuration at path Affinium|interact|offerserving|enableOfferCaching is set to True. Example: UACICachedOffers|true|string

runtime environment reserved parameters

The following reserved parameters are used by the runtime environment. Do not use these names for your event parameters.

  • UACIEventID
  • UACIEventName
  • UACIInteractiveChannelID
  • UACIInteractiveChannelName
  • UACIInteractionPointID
  • UACIInteractionPointName
  • UACISessionID
  • UACICustomLoggerTableName
  • UACIExecuteFlowchartByName
  • UACIOffersBySQLTemplate
  • UACIQueryOffersBySQL
  • UACIGetProfileShowDimFields
  • UACIProfileFields
  • UACIOfferFields
  • UACIMergePatternStates
  • UACIResetMergedPatternStates
  • UACISavePatternStates
  • UACIShowPatternStates