The DATE_STRING macro is available only in HCLCampaign.


DATE_STRING(julian_date [, 'output_format'[, max_length]]) DATE_STRING(julian_date [, 'format_string'[, max_length]]



A number representing a Julian date, the number of days elapsed since January 1, 0000.


String, valid date format.



A format string optionally including any combination of the following format codes:

Code Description
%a Abbreviated weekday name
%A Full weekday name
%b Abbreviated month name
%B Full month name
%c Date and time representation appropriate for locale
%d Day of month (01 - 31)
%H Hour in 24-hour format (00 - 23)
%I Hour in 12-hour format (01 - 12)
%j Day of year (001 - 366)
%m Month (01 - 12)
%M Minute (00 - 59)
%p Current® locale's AM/PM indicator for 12-hour clock
%S Second (00 - 59)
%U Week of year, with Sunday as first day of week (00 - 51)
%w Weekday (0 - 6; Sunday is 0)
%W Week of year, with Monday as first day of week (00 - 51)
%x Date representation for current locale
%X Time representation for current locale
%y 2-digit year (00 - 99)
%Y 4-digit year. The preceding zeros in the year are not truncated. For example, the year 0201 is displayed as 0201, and the year 0001 is displayed as 0001.
%4Y 4-digit year. The preceding zeros in the year are not truncated. For example, the year 0201 is displayed as 0201, and the year 0001 is displayed as 0001.
%z, %Z Time zone name or abbreviation; no output if time zone is unknown
%% Percent sign


DATE_STRING returns the date string of the Julian date. If output_format is not provided, the default keyword DELIM_M_D_Y will be used.


DATE_STRING(730729) returns the string "08/31/00".

Note: See DATE for additional information on valid date formats.

Related functions

Function Description
DATE Converts a date string to a Julian date.
DATE_JULIAN Returns the Julian date of the input.
DATE_FORMAT Converts dates from one format to another.