Interact | triggeredMessage | gateways | <gatewayName>

The configuration properties in this category define settings for a specific gateway in triggered messages.

Interact does not support multiple instances of the same gateway. All of the gateway configuration files should be accessible from every Interact Runtime node. In the case of a distributed setup, ensure that the gateway files are kept at a shared location.

category name


This proerpty defines the name of this gateway. It must be unique among all gateways.



This property defines the fully qualified class name of this gateway implementation.



This property defines the URI of the JAR file that includes the implementation of this gateway. If left empty, the class path of the hosting Interact application is used.

For example in a windows system, if the gateway JAR file is available in the directory, C:\HCL\EMM\EmailGateway\HCL_Interact_OMO_OutboundGateway_Silverpop_1.0\lib\OMO_OutboundGateway_Silverpop.jar, the classPath should be file:///C:/HCL/EMM/EmailGateway/HCL_Interact_OMO_OutboundGateway_Silverpop_1.0/lib/OMO_OutboundGateway_Silverpop.jar. In a unix system, if the gateway jar file is available in the directory, /opt/HCL/EMM/EmailGateway/HCL_Interact_OMO_OutboundGateway_Silverpop_1.0/lib/OMO_OutboundGateway_Silverpop.jar, the classpath should be file:///opt/HCL/EMM/EmailGateway/HCL_Interact_OMO_OutboundGateway_Silverpop_1.0/lib/OMO_OutboundGateway_Silverpop.jar.