Configuring contact and response history tables for cross-session response tracking

Whether you create a copy of the contact history tables, or use the actual tables in the Campaign system tables, you must perform the following steps to configure the contact and response history tables.

Before you begin

The contact and response history tables must be mapped properly in Campaign prior to performing these steps.


  1. Run the aci_lrnfeature SQL script in the interactDT/ddl/acifeatures directory in the Interact design environment installation directory against the UA_DtlContactHist and UA_ResponseHistory tables in your Campaign system tables.

    This adds the RTSelectionMethod column to the UA_DtlContactHist and UA_ResponseHistory tables. Run the aci_lrnfeature script against these tables for each of your audience levels. Edit the script as necessary to work with the correct table for each of your audience levels.

  2. If you want to copy the contact history tables to the runtime environment, do so now.

    If you are creating a copy of the Campaign contact history tables accessible by the runtime environment for cross-session response tracking support, use the following guidelines:

    • Cross-session response tracking requires read-only access to these tables.
    • Cross-session response tracking requires the following tables from the Campaign contact history.

      • UA_DtlContactHist (for each audience level)
      • UA_Treatment

      You must update the data in these tables on a regular basis to ensure accurate response tracking.

  3. Run the aci_crhtab SQL script in the ddl directory in the Interact runtime environment installation directory against the contact and response history data source.

    This script creates the UACI_XsessResponse and UACI_CRHTAB_Ver tables.

  4. Create a version of the UACI_XsessResponse table for each audience level.


To improve the performance of cross-session response tracking, you may want to limit the amount of contact history data, either by the way in which you copy the contact history data or by configuring a view in to the Campaign contact history tables. For example, if you have a business practice that no offer is valid for longer than 30 days, you should limit the contact history data to the last 30 days. To modify the number of days of contact history data to maintain, open the configuration property Campaign | partitions | partitionn| Interact | contactAndResponseHistTracking and set the value of daysBackInHistoryToLookupContact.

You will not see results from cross-session response tracking until the contact and response history module runs. For example, the default processSleepIntervalInMinutes is 60 minutes. Therefore, it may take at least an hour before cross-session responses appear in your Campaign response history.