Creating JDBC connections in the web application server

Create JDBC connections on each of the web application servers where Campaign and Interact is deployed. Campaign and Interact use the JDBC connections to access the required databases.

You can use the list to simplify configuration because the names in the list match the default values of the configuration properties that refer to the JDBC connections.

Use the following table to create JDBC connections to the databases that hold the Interact, Campaign, and Marketing Platform tables:

Table 1. JDBC connections in the web application server

This two-columned table provides information about the deployed web application in one column, and the JDBC connections that are required to the databases in the second column.

Deployed web application JDBC connections required to the databases


In the web application server where Campaign is deployed, create JDBC connections to the databases that hold the following tables:

  • Interact runtime tables

    JNDI name: InteractRTDS

  • Interact test run tables (which can be the same as the Customer (User) tables)

    JNDI name: testRunDataSource

Interact runtime environment

(The Interact runtime environment is typically deployed in a different JVM from Campaign)

In the web application server where the Interact runtime environment is deployed, create JDBC connections to the databases that hold the following tables:

  • Interact runtime tables

    JNDI name: InteractRTDS

  • Interact profile tables

    JNDI name: prodUserDataSource

  • Interact test run tables (required for test run server group only)

    JNDI name: testRunDataSource

  • Interact learning tables (if you are using built-in learning)

    JNDI name: InteractLearningDS

  • Campaign contact and response history tables (if you are using cross-session response tracking)

    JNDI name: contactAndResponseHistoryDataSource

  • Marketing Platform system tables

    JNDI name: UnicaPlatformDS

    Important: This is the required JNDI name for connections to the Platform system table database.

    You must set up the JDBC connection only if you install the Interact runtime environment in a web application server where Marketing Platform is not currently deployed. If Marketing Platform is deployed in the same web application server, the JDBC connection is already defined.

All JNDI names are recommended, unless otherwise indicated.