Running the Collaborate installer

When you run the Collaborate installer, the installer detects your existing version of Collaborate and prompts you to confirm the upgrade process. After your confirmation, the installer starts the upgrade process.

About this task

Important: On Microsoft Windows 2019 server and Microsoft Windows 2022 server, to launch the installers, set the parameter SET JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=" 7" at the command prompt and launch the installers from the same command prompt.

Follow the guidelines while you upgrade Collaborate:

  • When the installer prompts you for the installation location, specify the location of the parent directory of the Collaborate installation directory.
  • The upgrade process updates the previously migrated registration information for the new version of Collaborate.

The Collaborate upgrade installer overwrites and in the <Collaborate Home>/tools/bin directory. If your installation is using the manual database set up, the files contain the database connection information. When you upgrade, add the database information in these files before starting the manual upgrade process.

Note: For detailed installation steps to install Collaborate in upgrade mode, see "How installers work" in the Collaborate Installation Guide.