Creating an EAR file after running the installer

You can create an EAR file after you install HCL Unica products. You might do this to create an EAR file with a desired combination of products.

About this task

Note: Run the installer in console mode from the command line.

Use the following procedure if you want to create an EAR file after you install HCL Unica products:


  1. If this is the first time you are running the installer in console mode, make a backup copy of the installer's .properties file for each of your installed products.
    • Each Unica product installer creates one or more response files with a .properties extension. These files are in the same directory where you placed the installers. Be sure to back up all files with the .properties extension, including the installer_<product initials><product version number>.properties files and the file for the Unica installer itself, which is named

      For example, the properties files for Platform and the properties file for Optimize

    • If you plan to run the installer in unattended mode, you must back up the original .properties files, because when the installer runs in unattended mode, it clears these files. To create an EAR file, you need the information that the installer writes in the .properties files during the initial installation.

  2. Open a command window and change directories to the directory that contains the installer.
  3. Run the installer executable with this option:


    On UNIX type systems, run the .bin file rather than the .sh file.

    The installer wizard runs.

  4. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
  5. Before you create more EAR files, overwrite the .properties file or files with the backups you created before you ran in console mode for the first time.