Navigating the calendar

All calendar/timeline views contain the following icons:

Icon Description
Opens the Set View Options dialog box. Use this link to change the way that the calendar is displayed.

Opens the Advanced Search dialog box.

Changes the date range that is displayed, moving back one unit in time. For example, if your current calendar view is a monthly timeline of September 2009, clicking displays August 2009.

Current date range

Opens a drop-down list of available date ranges. Use this link to quickly change to any other date range.

For example, if you are viewing a monthly calendar for July 2009, you can change the view to January 2010 by clicking this link and then choosing January 2010 from the drop-down list.

Changes the date range that is displayed, moving forward one unit in time. For example, if your current calendar view is a weekly timeline from 7/20/2009 through 7/26/2009, clicking displays 7/27/2009 through 8/2/2009.