Fields in workflow spreadsheets

When you configure the workflow, you add a row to the spreadsheet for each task. Then, you edit the cells in that row to capture information for the task.

The following table describes each field and cell you use to enter data about the task on the workflow spreadsheet.

Table 1. Fields and cells on the Workflow tab
Field Description
Task Code Prefix When users create projects from this template, the system adds this identifier as a prefix to each task ID in the workflow.
Stages and Tasks

The cells in the first column display the names of the stages and tasks in the workflow. After each task name, the number of the task or tasks that it depends on displays in parentheses. For example, a task labeled "Estimate Costs (2.3)" depends on task number 2.3. To indicate more prerequisite tasks, enter task numbers that are separated by commas.

When you are in edit mode, you can click the name of a stage or task to revise its name and dependencies.

When you save your changes and return to view mode:

  • Click the name of an approval task to open the Setup Approval dialog and select approvers.
  • Click the name of a workflow (or people) task to open the Setup Task dialog and indicate whether attachments can be added for the task.
Required Indicates a required task. In the projects that are created from this template, required tasks cannot be skipped or deleted and their names cannot be changed.
Enforce Dep. If this task depends on other tasks, determines how strictly the system interprets dependencies. When this option is selected, the system restricts project members from updating this task until the tasks it depends on are finished.
Member Role(s)

You can associate one or more roles with workflow tasks by default. To select a role, click in the field to display an alphabetical list of project roles that were previously defined as Team Members on the Project Roles tab for this project template. To define more than one role, click the name of each role.

Note: To specify approvers for an approval task, return to view mode and click the approval task name to open the Setup Approval dialog.
Milestone Type

For tasks, you can specify an optional milestone type. Your system administrator configures the options available for you to indicate that a task is a type of milestone for the project. Example milestones include Job Start, Meeting, and Event.

For information about setting up milestone types, see Customize milestone types.

Anchored dates Indicates whether the task is affected by automated date recalculation. Select this option for tasks with fixed dates that are not affected by any date changes made for other tasks.
Default Duration The amount of calendar time to specify as the default for this task when a project is created with this template. To enter a duration, click in the cell then click the clock icon. Fields for days, hours, and minutes display.
Target Effort The targeted effort to specify by default for this task when a project is created with this template. To enter the effort, click in the cell then click the clock icon. Fields for days, hours, and minutes display.
Schedule Through Indicates how to calculate time when the task is scheduled. Marketing Operations has the following options to calculate time for tasks.
  • Bus: Business days only, exclude non-work time and weekends.
  • Wkd: Weekends and business days, exclude non-work time.
  • Off: Non-work time and business days, exclude weekends.
  • All: Include every calendar day.