Setting up State History and Outcome tables

Use this procedure to edit the SQL scripts provided for creating your State History and Outcome tables and to run the scripts against your database.

Before you begin

You must set up a data source connection on the Server Groups page for each database where you create these tables.

About this task

You do not need to use this procedure to set up Outcome tables if you use the Opportunity Detect Web Service data source connector for your Outcome data, because the data is sent to the Java class you develop.


  1. Open the SQL scripts in a text editor and edit them as described in the comments in the files.

    The scripts are located in the database/DB2/RunTime directory under your Opportunity Detect run time installation. Edit the following scripts.

    • OutcomeTable.sql-Use this script to create the Outcome table when you use the Outcome type of data source connector.
    • ExpandedOutcome.sql-Use this script to create the two Outcome tables when you use the Expanded Outcome type of data source connector.
    • StateTable.sql-Use this script to create the State History table or tables.

    You replace variables with the names you want to give to the tables in the database. Comments in the scripts provide instructions.

  2. Run the scripts against the database you have configured to hold your State History and Outcome data.