Starting the Opportunity Detect Run Time server and Interact service

You must start the Run Time server and RealTimeConnector service after you have deployed and configured Opportunity Detect.


  1. Complete the following steps to start the Run Time server.
    1. Log in as the streamsadmin user to the Streams server where Run Time is installed.
    2. Navigate to the StreamsRemoteControlService liberty service.

      Use the following path as a guideline.


    3. Use the following command to start the StreamsRemoteControlService liberty service.

      ./server start StreamsRCS --clean

    4. Navigate to the RealTimeConnector service.

      Use the following path as a guideline.


    5. Use the following command to start the RealTimeConnector service.

      ./server start RealTimeConnector --clean

  2. Complete the following steps to start the Interact Service
    1. Log in as the root user to the server where Design Time is installed.
    2. Navigate to the following path.


    3. Run the following command.

      ./server start InteractService --clean