Configuring Opportunity Detect in a cluster

Opportunity Detect can be installed and deployed in a cluster.


  1. Install HCL InfoSphere Streams on multiple servers by using a shared NFS Streams support installation. To ensure this run the Opportunity Detect
    RunTime installer from a server that has the following elements:
    • The streamsadmin user.
    • The home directory of the streamsadmin user is /home/streamsadmin.
    • The /home/streamsadmin directory is shared across the servers that are a part of the cluster.
    • The root user on the server where you install Opportunity Detect RunTime has read and write access to streamsadmin.
  2. After installing HCL InfoSphere Streams, use the following command to create instances of Streams with multiple hosts:

    streamstool mkinstance -i instance_name hosts FQDN/IP list

  3. Create a copy of RealTimeConnector for every server in the cluster, as follows.
    1. Create a copy of RealTimeConnector with a unique name suffix for each server in the cluster in the /home/streamsadmin/OpDetection/ directory.
    2. Go to /home/streamsadmin/OpDetection/RealTimeConnector_copytag>/wlp/usr/servers/RealTimeConnector/ and change the server.xml file to reflect the following values:
      <server description="new server">
      		<!-- Enable features -->
      		<httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="<hostname>" 
      		 httpPort="<portnum>" httpsPort="9443"/>
      		<application context-root="servlets" id="StreamServlet" 
      name="StreamServlet" type="war"
      		<logging logDirectory="/home/streamsadmin/OpDetection/RealTimeConnector
      /wlp/usr/servers/RealTimeConnector/logs" consoleLogLevel="ERROR"
      		<webContainer deferServletLoad="false"/>
  4. Go to /home/streamsadmin/OpDetection/RealTimeConnector_copytag>/wlp/usr/servers/RealTimeConnector/dropins/RealTimeConnector/WEB-INF/ and change the web.xml file to reflect the following values:
  5. Start RealTimeConnector on each server of the cluster.