Setting up to export workspace logic

Use this procedure to set up to export Opportunity Detect workspace logic from your source environment.

Before you begin

The export/import utility requires HCL Java 1.7.

If the source or target Opportunity Detect design database is Oracle, ensure that ojdbc7.jar is added to your classpath before you run the export/import utility.


  1. Edit the librarymanager file in your source environment to set the JAVA_HOME variable to reflect the location of HCL Java 1.7 in your source environment.

    The utility is a script. It has the .bat extension on Windows and the .sh extension on UNIX type systems.

    This file is located under your Opportunity Detect installation in the tools/librarymgr folder.

  2. In the tools/librarymgr/conf directory under your Opportunity Detect installation, open the appropriate XML file for your database type, as follows.
    • If your database type is DB2, open the importexport.xml file.
    • If your database type is Oracle, open the file.
  3. Edit the file you opened in the previous step to reflect the database used in your target environment.

    Run the encode script located in the cli directory under your Opportunity Detect installation to encrypt the password for the database account. Copy the resulting string and use it as the value for the ConnectionPassword key in the XML file.

    This step is optional, but provides the best security. If you do not encrypt the password, it is stored in clear text in the XML file. If you use an encrypted password, set the value of the ConnectionPasswordEncrypted key to True.

  4. Save the file.

    If your database type is Oracle and you edited the, rename the file as importexport.xml.

What to do next

You can now run the utility to export workspace logic.