Conversion utility

The conversion utility enables you to convert workspaces in Unica Detect format (that is, in versions earlier than 9.1.1) to Opportunity Detect format.

The conversion utility works with workspace logic only; data migration from pre 9.1.1 versions is not supported.

The conversion utility works in conjunction with the export/import utility, as follows.

  1. Use the export/import utility to export workspace logic from your old version of Unica Detect.

    The export/import utility creates an XML file that contains a specification of the workspace logic and all of its dependencies. The export includes all the defined data sources, audience level codes, and named value lists regardless of their usage in the exported workspace.

  2. Apply the conversion utility to the XML file generated in the first step.

    The conversion utility generates an XML file compatible with the Opportunity Detect format.

  3. Use the export/import utility to import the XML file generated by the conversion utility into Opportunity Detect.
  4. Test your import as follows.
    • Consult the conversion log and follow up with manual changes when an issue is encountered.
    • Open each imported workspace and check to make sure all components are present and that the imported workspace matches the original one.
    • Perform any required manual cleanup.
    • Perform a test run of the imported workspaces.

Post-import manual cleanup

Because of differences between pre-9.1.1 versions of Unica Detect and Opportunity Detect, some manual steps might be required after you import the converted XML. The following table describes the items that require manual steps.

Table 1. Manual cleanup items
Item Manual step
Presentation layer lists in pre-9.1.1 versions are called Named value lists Opportunity Detect. Pre-9.1.1 versions allowed date values, which are not supported in Opportunity Detect. Use a Date expression in your workspace to work around this limitation.
Time constants in pre-9.1.1 versions include Beginning of Next Month, Beginning of N Months Ago, which do not exist in Opportunity Detect. Replace these time constants with Date expressions. For example, Beginning of next month = Date Expression (Beginning of this month + 1 month).
Select components in pre-9.1.1 versions supported the Join function, which is not supported in Opportunity Detect.
Operators NAND and NOR are not available in 10.0. Equivalencies of NAND, NOR can be built with Expression Builder.
Nested comparison is not available in 10.0. Mixed expressions have to be built in Boolean expressions.
Subgroups in Trend components are not available in 10.0. You can achieve a similar result using Trends components in conjunction with aggregation in Container components.
Labels in the Additional Outcome fields of the Action component are optional in version 8.5, but they are mandatory in Opportunity Detect. The conversion utility adds labels with default names (label_n). If you want more descriptive labels, you must edit these label names.
The file names of 8.5 workspaces are different than 10.0 workspaces. Manually change file name using these guidelines.
  • File names in Opportunity Detect are case sensitive.
  • Consult the Opportunity Detect Administrator's Guide to update file names in compliance with the new naming convention.
Roles and permissions are not the same in versions 8.5 and 10.0. The following roles are applied to converted users.
  • The View permission in 8.5 becomes OpDetectViewer role in 10.0.
  • The Modify permission in 8.5 becomes OpDetectAdmin role in 10.0.
  • The Run permission in 8.5 becomes OpDetectProductionDesigner role in 10.0.

In 10.0, permissions are not implemented at the object level (for example, workspace ownership).