Fixed defects

This section describes the fixed defects in the 10.1 version of Opportunity Detect.

Defect ID Description
247450 Incorrect data is logged into outcome if the attribute value matches the attribute name. This issue occurs when data input is received from WebSphere MQ.
270522 RealTimeConnector process utilizes 100% CPU. This issue occurs when an Interactive Channel with advanced patterns is undeployed.
243660 Duplicate transaction records are automatically deleted from container. This issue occurs when the data is exactly duplicate in subsequent batch executions.
222745 RealTimeProxy stops responding when bad data is sent to it.
225044 Added support for year in firing frequency as time unit in the time quantity selection.
227658 (fixes PMR 07255,004,000) RealTimeProxy and comm_agent becomes unhealthy on sending bad multibyte data.
233522 Select component using Lookup table as input was unable to consume NVL values.
233733 Incorrect values mapped to datasource fields. This was observed for datasource fields where the field name was substring of another field name in the same datasource.
233367 Queue messages in JSON format with white spaces were not processed were not consumed.
Security Fixes Strut libraries have been upgraded to 2.3.32 to fix reported vulnerabilities.