Design landing pages using existing HTML template

From version 12.1.5, you can design landing pages using existing HTML templates.

To design landing pages using existing HTML templates, complete the following steps:

  1. See the topic Create a folder and Add Content for details on creating folder, importing a ZIP file containing the HTML template, and how to import a ZIP file.
  2. See the section Accessing the uploaded template to access the uploaded HTML template.
  3. Under Communication tab, in the New list, select Landing page.
  4. Within Select Imported Content, click Select Content. The Content Picker panel opens.
  5. Although the Content Picker panel looks the same as the preview panel, the Content Picker panel only displays content if the selected folder has HTML files. Files of all other formats do not appear in the right panel. Access the relevant folder and select the required HTML file.
  6. The landing page template appears in the New Landing Page page.
  7. You cannot modify the content of the template-based landing pages. You can only change View Properties of the Landing Page.
  8. Click Save and Preview for a preview and Save and Publish to publish the landing page.