Saving a Dashboard

The procedure to run a report and to save the report to a dashboard is the same for all options of the Explore View.

About this task

We will now see a procedure based example of running a report for the for the option Email Campaign Summary by Day.

To run a report for Email Campaign Summary by Day and to save it to a Dashboard, complete the following steps:


  1. Open the URL https://localhost:9999/login.
    The Google Looker login page appears.
  2. Provide your credentials to log in.
    The Google Looker default page appears.
  3. Select Explore > Email Campaign Summary by Day.
    The Email Campaign Summary by Day explore page appears.
  4. From the left panel, select the required Measures and Dimensions. For details about the measures and dimensions applicable for the Email Campaign Summary by Day view, see Deliver Dimensions and Measures in Google Looker for the Email Channel - Part 1.
  5. Click Run.
  6. Expand the Visualizations panel and select the required graphical view from the available options.
  7. To save the report to a Dashboard, select the Settings icon, beside the Run button, and select Save to Dashboard.
    The Add to Dashboard dialog appears.
  8. From the left panel, select the desired folder and click New Dashboard.
    A pop-up appears.
  9. Provide an appropriate name for the dashboard and click OK.
  10. In the Add to Dashboard dialog, provide an appropriate Title.
  11. Click Save to Dashboard.


This saves the Email Campaign Summary by Day report to the newly created dashboard. You can perform the same steps for any exploration view.