Installing Google Looker

Although Unica Open Insights provides out-of-the-box integration with Google Looker, the Google Looker installation is not part of the Unica installation. You must install Google Looker separately.

Preinstallation Configurations

Complete the following steps before you install Google Looker:


  1. The following steps are applicable only if you have Microsoft Windows operating system. You can skip the following steps if you have a Linux-based operating system.
    1. On your Microsoft Windows system (version 10), type develop in the search bar.
      A result for Developer settings appears.
    2. Select Developer settings or select Open.
      The For developers section in the Settings dialog opens.
    3. Select Developer mode.
      Microsoft Windows searches and installs the developer package.
    4. Restart your computer.
    5. In the search bar, type PowerShell.
      You will see a result for Windows PowerShell.
    6. Right-click Windows PowerShell and select Run as administrator.
      The Windows PowerShell environment appears.
    7. To enable the Windows Linux Subsystem, run the following command in the PowerShell:
      C:\>Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
    8. When the system prompts you, select the option to restart the computer.
    9. After the restart, visit the Microsoft Store and download Ubuntu.
    10. After the download is complete, click the Launch button to start Ubuntu. You can also use the Windows search to access Ubuntu.
    11. Set appropriate credentials for the Unix account.
      Your Windows system is ready to run Linux directly from the command prompt.
  2. To test Linux commands, open the command prompt and execute the following command:

    The Linux prompt appears. Now run the following house cleaning command (you have to provide the credentials that you set in Step 1-k:

    $ sudo apt-get update
    Note: The Unix command is an Ubuntu-specific command. The command may vary for other Unix-based operating systems.

Google Looker Installation

You can access Google Looker documentation for installation. We have provided some steps which are based on the procedures mentioned in the Google Looker documentation.

Before you begin

If your Operating System is Microsoft Windows, ensure that you have completed the Preinstallation Configurations. To execute the commands mentioned in the following procedure, open the command prompt and perform Step 2 mentioned in Preinstallation Configurations to run Unix commands.

About this task

To install Google Looker, see Google Looker documentation. You can also visit the following page:
Note: The Unix commands, mentioned in the following procedure, are Ubuntu-specific commands. The commands may vary for other Unix-based operating systems.


  1. Run the following commands:
    1. sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless
    2. sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless
    3. sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev
  2. Run the command sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf.
    Append the following lines in the file and save the file.
  3. Run the command /etc/sysctl.conf and check the contents of the file.
  4. Verify if the swap file exists. If it exists, move to Step 5. If it does not exist, run the following commands:
    1. ulimit
    2. ulimit -a
  5. Run the following commands:
    1. cd /tmp
    2. sudo mount -o remount,exec /tmp
    3. sudo apt-get install netcat
    4. sudo apt-get install ntp
    5. sudo ntpq -p
  6. Exit the command prompt.
  7. You must now create a new registry. To create a new registry, type regedit in the search bar.
    You will see Registry Editor. Select Open.
  8. Copy and paste the following path in the address bar and press ENTER:
  9. Right-click on the right panel and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value
  10. Provide an appropriate Value name and Value data and click OK.
  11. Restart the system.
  12. Open the Unix command prompt.
  13. Create a folder named looker in the Looker home directory.
  14. Copy the following JAR files and the looker file to the looker folder:
    • looker-dependencies.jar
    • looker.jar
  15. Start Looker by running the following command:
    ./looker start
  16. Access Google Looker command with following URL: https://hostname:9999.
  17. If you are logging in for the first time, provide the license key and credentials. For more information, see Google Looker documentation.
  18. In the Google Looker home page, select Browse > Shared folders
    Your organization's folders page appears.
  19. Click New and select Folder.
    The Create folder dialog opens.
  20. Type the name Unica and click Create folder.
    A folder named Unica appears.
  21. Select the folder Unica to open it.
  22. Perform Step 19 through Step 20 to create the other required folders. For more information, see New Folders required during Google Looker installation.
  23. Stop and restart Looker.
  24. Note: This step is optional and must be performed only if you have not configured Unica Insights Reports for the concerned Unica product.
    In case of Deliver, navigate to the Insights Reports SQL location (CAMPAIGN_HOME/reports/Deliver-ddl/<Database-Name>/) and run the following SQL files:
    • acer_tables_sqlserver.sql
    • acer_indexes_sqlserver.sql
    • acer_scripts_sqlserver.sql

    In the path CAMPAIGN_HOME/reports/Deliver-ddl/<Database-Name>/, the <Database-Name> refers to Oracle, DB2, or SQLServer and it is dependent on the database that you are using.

  25. Navigate to the concerned <Open Insights SQLs> location and run the concerned SQL files in the Campaign database
    For more details on <Open Insights SQLs>, see Unica Products and Open Insights SQLs.
  26. If you want to drop Open Insights objects, run the concerned SQL file.For more details , see Unica Products and Open Insights SQLs.
    Note: In case of DB2, before running the script, update the concerned SQL file with <schema-name>. Replace <schema-name> with the appropriate name of the schema before you run the script.
  27. If you have not configured Insights Reports, configure a set of jobs in the database. For more information, see Configuring Database Jobs and Custom Audience.