Common Measures for Deliver in Google Looker

Common Dimension Data Type Channel Description
Total Sent Number Email




Total contacts sent by the channel.
Total Failed Number Email




Sum of all failed response types.
Total Delivered Number Email




Total contacts delivered (Total sent - Total failed).
Unique Views Number Email

Landing Page



Unique recipients who have viewed the message.
Total Views Number Email



Total recipients who have viewed the message.
Unique Clicks Number Email

Landing Page


Unique recipients who have clicked the message link.
Unique Click Rate Percent Email

Landing Page


Percentage of unique recipients who have clicked the message link.

For email landing pages, it is calculated over unique views.

Total Clicks Number Email

Landing Page


Percentage of all recipients who have clicked the message link.

For email landing pages, it is calculated over unique views.

Total Click Rate Percent Email

Landing Page


Percentage of all recipients who have clicked the message link.

For email landing pages, it is calculated over unique views.

Challenge Response Number Email

Unica cannot deliver the email message because the ISP that received the email processed the message through a challenge/response SPAM filter.

Challenge/response filters require human interaction to allow email delivery.

Typically, this happens when the message recipients have not added the sending domain to their safe sender lists.

Hard Bounce Number Email Unica cannot deliver the email due to a permanent problem with the receiving mailbox. For example, the destination mailbox does not exist.
ISP Feedback Number Email

Unica successfully delivered the email message, but the recipient's Internet Service Provider (ISP) sent a notification that the recipient has reported the email message as an unwanted email (spam).

This response is represented in the Detailed Bounce report as an abuse complaint.

Other Number Email The reason for message delivery failure is unknown. The ISP may have issued a permanent (5XX) failure that does not correspond to any of the other hard bounce categories.
Out of Office Number Email

Unica cannot deliver the email because the recipient has set an Out-of-Office reply for the destination mailbox. Resend the email after the recipient changes the mailbox status.

If you send multiple marketing emails in a week, omit this address from mailing lists for a week to avoid overloading the inbox.

Multiple messages in the recipient’s Inbox might trigger a negative reaction from the recipient and it can adversely affect your deliverability scores.

Send Failed Number Email Unica did not send the email because the email address had an incorrect syntax, or the email address exists in the global email suppression list.
Soft Bounce Number Email

Unica cannot deliver the email due to a temporary problem with the receiving mailbox. An example for a temporary problem is when the recipient's mailbox is full.

The message may reach the intended recipient if you resend it after some time.

Technical Issue Number Email

Unica cannot deliver the email due to a problem with the email infrastructure used for transmitting and delivering the message to the recipient's mailbox.

Such responses are not generated due to the problems with the receiving mailbox. Unica may receive this response during a network interruption, or when the receiving email servers are not operating. These responses are not a result of the recipient's mailbox being full.

Unknown Number Email Unica cannot interpret the response, or the response does not match any of the expected response types.