OneDB - Loader configurations

You must use an OneDB database on the supported operating system. If you are using a different database, adjust the instructions accordingly.

You can use "dbload" (IDS utility) as a load utility. This utility is only available with IDS installation and not with ICSDK installation. So to achieve the load utility functionality, the preferable tool is "dbaccess".

The following procedure describes the dbaccess tool for load utility.

  1. Create load control file template.
  2. Create a load control file template for adding records. The template must consist of the following lines.

    Sample template name : onedbLoad.ctr

    CONNECT TO 'hard_coded_db_name' USER '<USER>' USING '<PASSWORD>';
    Note: Tokens mentioned in the sample file should be in quotes. The DB name on which the loader utility is supposed to run, must be hard-coded, as mentioned in the example.
  3. Create a script or executable to start the load utility. To invoke the load utility, Campaign uses a shell script for Unix or executable for Windows, which is identified in the Loadercommand configuration property. You can either specify a direct call to the database load utility executable or a call to a script that launches the database load utility.

    Sample shell script for Linux / AIX OS #!/bin/sh cp $1 $Campaign_Home/partitions/partition1/tmp/controlfile.sql dbaccess - $Campaign_Home/partitions/partition1/tmp/controlfile.sql

    Sample executable file for Windows

    Case 1 : If OneDB server and OneDB client SDK are installed on same machine.


    set CTRL_FILE=%1
    copy /Y "%CTRL_FILE%" "controlfile.sql"
    set INFORMIXDIR=<OneDB Directory>
    set REGMACHINE=\\<Server Hostname>
    set INFORMIXSERVER=<Server-name>
    set ONCONFIG=onconfig.<server-name>
    set INFORMIXSQLHOSTS=$OneDB_Software_Bundle\etc\sqlhosts.<server-name>
    set GL_USEGLU=1
    <INFORMIXDIR>/bin/dbaccess - controlfile.sql 

    If OneDB server and OneDB client SDK are installed on different machines.


    set CTRL_FILE=%1
    		copy /Y "%CTRL_FILE%" "controlfile.sql"
            set INFORMIXDIR=<CSDK installation path>
            set INFORMIXSERVER=<IDS server name>
            set INFORMIXSQLHOSTS=Path to sqlhosts file which is <CSDK_HOME>/etc/sqlhosts 
            set GL_USEGLU=1
            set PATH=%INFORMIXDIR%\bin;%PATH%		 
        <INFORMIXDIR>/bin/dbaccess - controlfile.sql 
    Note: If the setup is Unicode, add the following additional lines before dbaccess command.
    set LANG=en_US.utf8
    		set DB_LOCALE=en_US.utf8
    		set CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.utf8
    		set SERVER_LOCALE=en_US.utf8
In Case 2 , the following are the other settings required at CSDK side.
  • Open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\services file and add a new entry for IDS like IDS serviceName which is a service name in IDS machine on which IDS is running and IDS port number which is a port number on IDS machine on which IDS is listening. For example: <service-name>9091/tcp
  • If required, make the following changes.
    • Open the copied <HCL_OneDB_Client_SDK>\etc\sqlhosts.%informixserver% file.
    • Copy the existing line and replace the machine name with its IP address.
  • Set the loader configuration properties in Campaign.
  • Select Settings > Configuration and then select Campaign|partitions|partition1|dataSources|<datasourcename>
    • LoaderCommand : The path to the script or executable to invoke the database load utility. The script must be CAMPAIGN_HOME/partition/partition[n].

      Sample value: <CAMPAIGN_HOME>\partitions\partition1\OneDBLoad.bat <CONTROLFILE>

    • LoaderControlFileTemplate: The control file template configured for Campaign. This file must also be in CAMPAIGN_HOME/partition/partition[n] format.

      Sample value: <CAMPAIGN_HOME>\partitions\partition1\OneDBLoad.ctr

    • LoaderDelimiter: The delimiter used in the loader control file template.

      Sample value: |

    • LoaderDelimiterAtEnd: It specifies whether to put delimiter after last column value in control file or not.

      Sample value: True. For OneDB, this must be true.

Note: OneDB database must be created with en_US.57372 or en_US.utf8 NLS code for NON-ASCII.