Fixed defects in Unica Campaign

The following defects were fixed in Unica Campaign 12.1.8.

Issue ID Description
HMA-363027 Synced AD user can login into system without a password. If they enter wrong password, they can't login but without a password they can.
HMA-363026 Vulnerabilities for Campaign and Interact found post fast upgrade to Unica v12.1.5.
HMA-363002 DELETE Query Performance Issue.
HMA-362960 Users are be able to edit/delete the catalog despite not having the necessary permission.
HMA-362549 Flowchart email notifications going to all users with spss_user role assigned to them.
HMA-362198 Missing SegmentTempTablePrefix in ClouderaHIVE and other BigData Campaign template.
HMA-362002 Profiling based on previous process box not working in 12.1.7.
HMA-361886 Response History table data loading issue.
HMA-360980 <PASSWORD> token in loader command sometimes is surrounded in double qoutes.
HMA-360922 Problem with date formats in ORACLE ODBC setup.
HMA-360877 Offer assignment is missing in MailList process box.
HMA-360692 Offer Custom Attributes(varchar) is Displaying Numeric instead of text on the mailist process box.
HMA-360472 Offer assignment is not done after linking TCS to Flowchart Cell in specific case.
HMA-359816 Flowcharts that use some strategic segment got incorrect ids.
HMA-359500 Unable to map or remap a system table with error 11330:Invalid field name.
HMA-359444 Schedules are not working in 12.1.6 if user restart only Campaign JVM.
HMA-356116 Cross-site scripting (stored).
HMA-355596 Vulnerabilities :- Cookie with SameSite Attribute None or Blank.
HMA-336428 uservar value populating incorrectly in exported table used in maillist PB.