Fixed defects in Unica Campaign

The following defects were fixed in Unica Campaign 12.1.5.

Issue ID Description
HMA-349463 MailingList process losing offer assignment when Deliver process box is added to Flowchart canvas
HMA-349265 Campaign listener crashing intermittently
HMA-349158 unica_acclean fails to delete tables from SNOWFLAKE database if temptableprefix is defined
HMA-347983 Insufficient Disk Space for EXTRACT but flowchart ran successfully
HMA-347621 Teradata connection issue with Unica 12.1.4 on AIX
HMA-347421 Issue with custom macros during flowchart execution
HMA-347276 Flowchart processes going into Hung state after upgrade to v12.0
HMA-347029 List of Supported Data Type with Google Big Query missing from Campaign Admin Guide
HMA-346937 Bad rendering of table mappings after migration to Unica 12.1.4
HMA-346893 Extract PB creating huge temp files
HMA-346793 Flowchart approval API call made needs to use relative path, not absolute path when Plan integrated to Campaign and SSL enabled
HMA-346313 Flowchart getting crash when using derived fields with date macro
HMA-346134 Audience ID is not showing in Select process box
HMA-345922 Incorrect version mentioned in Campaign Upgrade guide
HMA-345689 Error:10404 appears for a flowchart when flowchart opened in view mode when its in running state. : Concurrent user defect
HMA-345642 Issue on sample process box
HMA-344601 Performing Branch Run of flowchart does not use Current Value user variables like Full Flowchart run or Single process box run
HMA-344172 Colon not removed from URL navigation string when Port value specified as blank during install
HMA-341413 UA_SYSTEM_TABLES configurations get wiped out.
HMA-338263 Offer Assignments Do Not Persist with multiple cells in mail list process box
HMA-335243 dll files missing which are needed to run MKService_rct.bat
HMA-327423 Flowchart deleted from UA_Flowchart table while .ses file remains for no apparent reason
HMA-290904 VER11.2 - Irrelevant flowcharts turned up in a Campaign