Deploying Campaign on WAS from a WAR file

You can deploy the product application from a WAR file on WAS.

Before you begin

Complete the following tasks before you deploy the product:

• Confirm that your version of WebSphere meets the requirements in the Recommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements document, including any necessary fix packs or upgrades.

• Confirm that you created the data sources and database provider in WebSphere.


  1. Go to the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.
  2. Go to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications and click Install.
  3. In the Preparing for the application installation window, select the Detailed - Show all options and parameters check box and click Next.
  4. Click Continue to see the Install New Application wizard.
  5. Accept the default settings on the windows of the Install New Application wizard except the following windows:
    • In step 1 of the Install New Application wizard, select the Precompile JavaServer Pages files check box.
    • In step 3 of the installation wizard, set the JDK Source Level to 18.
    • In step 9 of the installation wizard, set the Context Root to /Campaign.
  6. In the left navigation panel of WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, navigate to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
  7. In the Enterprise Applications window, click the Campaign.war file.
  8. In the Web Module Properties section, click Session Management and select the following check boxes.
    • Override session management
    • Enable Cookies

    Click Enable Cookies, and in the Cookie name field, enter a unique cookie name.

  9. In the Applications > Enterprise Applications section of the server, select the WAR file that you deployed.
  10. In the Detail Properties section, select Class loading and update detection.
  11. In the Class loader order section, select the Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last) option. In the WAR class loader policy section, select the Single class loader for application option.
  12. Enter the context root for the application as /Campaign.
  13. Go to Application Servers > your server > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine.
  14. Users can add the following JVM arguments to enable unicode support with this JVM.
    • -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    • -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8
  15. Start your deployment.