Importing data source templates

The Unica Campaign system tables data source (UA_SYSTEM_TABLES) is supported only on Oracle, DB2®, and SQLServer. Import the data source templates for the user tables by using the configTool utility to support the database types that are not supported for the Unica Campaign system tables.

About this task

The Unica Campaign data source templates are located in the conf directory under your Unica Campaign installation.

To import and export templates, you use the Unica Platform configTool utility, located in the tools/bin directory under your Unica Platform installation. If you are not familiar with configTool, see configTool for details on performing this task.

Here is an example of the command you would use to import the Oracle template into the default partition (Windows™ environment).

configTool -i -p "Campaign|partitions|partition1|dataSources" -f full_path_to_directory_containing_your_Oracle_template\OracleTemplate.xml