Setting up system users for Unica Campaign

You can associate a system user with one or more Unica Platform data sources to avoid presenting users with repeated prompts for login credentials. Each data source specifies a user name and password. You can provide a user name and password to access a database or other protected resources by referencing the data source. By adding multiple data sources to the configuration of the system user account, you can allow the system user to access multiple databases.

About this task

Unica applications might require a system user account configured with the following attributes:
  • Login credentials for accessing system tables or other data sources.
  • Specific permissions to create, modify, and delete objects within the system.

For more information about setting up a new user and assigning a data source to a user, see the Unica Platform Administrator's Guide.


Complete the following actions to set up system users for Unica Campaign:
  1. Use an existing or a new user account to save credentials for the following data sources:
    • Unica Campaign system tables
    • All customer (user) tables
  2. On UNIX™, for the Alternate Login attribute of the system user, enter the UNIX name for a user in a group that shares privileges with the UNIX users of Unica Campaign.
    Note: If you have multiple partitions, you must create a system user for each partition.