Creating and populating Unica Campaign and Unica Optimize system tables manually

By default, the Unica Campaign installer automatically creates and populates system tables. However, if the system tables are not created and populated automatically during the installation, you must populate the system tables manually. Use your database client to run the Unica Campaign and Unica Optimize SQL scripts against the appropriate database to create and populate the Unica Campaign and Unica Optimize system tables.

Note: If you plan to enable Unica Deliver, you must also manually create and populate the Unica Deliver system tables if the installer did not do so automatically. For details, see Creating and populating the Unica Deliver system tables manually.

If you selected the Campaign System Table DDL Files option on the Campaign Components page during installation, the Campaign installer installs a collection of SQL scripts that you can use to create and populate the Unica Campaign and Unica Optimize system tables. The SQL scripts are installed in the ddl directory under your installation of the Unica Campaign server. If your system tables are configured for Unicode, the appropriate scripts are in the ddl/unicode directory under your Unica Campaign installation.

To use the SQL scripts, run your database client to apply the scripts to the database or schema that holds the Unica Campaign and Unica Optimize system tables. See the documentation for your database software for instructions on running SQL scripts.

The following tables list the SQL scripts that are provided for you to use to create and populate the Unica Campaign and Unica Optimize system tables manually.

Table 1. Scripts for creating Unica Campaign system tables

This two-columned table provides information about the data source type in one column, and the script names in the second column.

To set up unicode environment please execute ddl scripts from CAMPAIGN_HOME/ddl/unicode location

To set up English environment please execute ddl from CAMPAIGN_HOME/ddl location.

Data source type Script name
IBM® DB2® ac_systab_db2.sql
Microsoft™ SQL Server ac_systab_sqlsvr.sql
Oracle ac_systab_ora.sql
MariaDB ac_systab_mariadb.sql
Table 2. Scripts for populating Unica Campaign system tables

This two-columned table provides information about the data source type in one column, and the script names in the second column.

To set up unicode environment please execute ddl scripts from CAMPAIGN_HOME/ddl/unicode location

To set up English environment please execute ddl from CAMPAIGN_HOME/ddl location.

Data source type Script name
IBM DB2 ac_populate_tables_db2.sql
Microsoft SQL Server ac_populate_tables_sqlsvr.sql
Oracle ac_populate_tables_ora.sql
MariaDB ac_populate_tables_mariadb.sql
Table 3. Scripts for creating Unica Optimize system tables

A two-column table lists the data source type in the first column, and the script to use in the second column.

Data source type Script name



Microsoft SQL Server



MariaDB aco_systab_mariadb.sql
Table 4. Scripts for populating Unica Optimize system tables

This two-columned table provides information about the data source type in one column, and the script names in the second column.

Data source type Script name
IBM DB2 aco_populate_tables.sql
Microsoft SQL Server aco_populate_tables.sql
Oracle aco_populate_tables.sql
MariaDB aco_populate_tables.sql
Table 5. Scripts for adding extra indexes for Unica Optimize system tables

This two-columned table provides information about the data source type in one column, and the script names in the second column.

Data source type Script name
IBM DB2 aco_extra_indexes_db2.sql
Microsoft SQL Server aco_extra_indexes_sqlsvr.sql
Oracle aco_extra_indexes_ora.sql
MariaDB aco_extra_indexes_maridb.sql

You can create tables in the Unica Campaign schema if you want to integrate Unica Collaborate with Unica Campaign.