Known issues

The following table lists the known issues in Unica Campaign

Issue ID Known Issue
HMA-325485 V12.1 FP4 : Fed :Campaign installation completed with 1 non-fatal if user tries to install Reports component(Insights) in FP4 but it is not installed in V12.1 Base.
HMA-324985 Documentation for chunk size in getOfferListDetailsByIds query.
HMA-325562 DEF:[12.1FP4]]: View full screen window is coming improper for Sanky Flowchart report on Chrome browser
HMA-324616 Optimize PB cannot be configured when any session is in running state in the system
HMA-316802 CODE 704: File write error. while extracting extracted fields and table fields to database server through Segment PB
HMA-325798 Engage ETL failed errors