Unica Optimize session run errors

You might have configuration or other errors that prevent a Unica Optimize session from running.

Could not connect to the Campaign server

Description of problem
This error indicates that Unica Campaign web cannot connect or communicate with the Campaign server.

Confirm that the Campaign listener of listenerType "Optimize" or "Campaign and Optimize both" is running.

If it is not running, start the Campaign listener.

If the problem still persists, confirm all configuration properties that define the connection properties are configured properly, including:

  • Campaign|unicaACOListener|serverHost
  • Campaign|unicaACOListener|serverPort
  • Campaign|unicaACOListener|useSSL
If it is a single server installation, then value for "Campaign|unicaACOListener|serverPort" should be exactly same as "Campaign|unicaACListener|serverPort".

Unable to unlock the session with session ID

Description of problem

This error is written to the Unica Optimize session log as Problem unlocking the session. ID: <session ID> CODE 11336: Accessed table not mapped.

This error is caused when the home directory for the database is not correctly specified.


You must configure the database connection in the setenv.sh file appropriate for your operating system and database.

Restart the Campaign listener after you edit the setenv.sh file.

  • Oracle: Set ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE.
  • MSSQLServer: Configure the DSN setting for the database.

Response XML is missing the data xml element

Description of problem

This error is written to the Unica Optimize session log as [E] [TABLE ACC] DATA_SOURCE_CONNECT to UA_SYSTEM_TABLES(<Database Name>) as <UserID>: FAILED: CODE 11518: Database connection error [sdbsrc:2988].

You receive this error when you attempt to run a Unica Optimize session. This error indicates that the database credentials stored in the <Campaign Installation Directory>/Install/jdbc.properties file are incorrect.

Also if Optimize license is not applied, you will receive this error.


You can solve this issue in either of two ways.

  • Ensure that the Optimize license is applied to the setup.
  • Update <Optimize Installation Directory>/Install/jdbc.properties with the correct credentials. Use the Unica Platform encryptPasswords tool to encrypt the password.