Using offer versions in your optimization rule

Write a query that determines the exact set of offer versions to which a particular rule applies.


  1. Click Offer Versions in the Rule Definition section of an optimization rules page.

    A default grouping displays.

  2. Select an all or any operator from the Select items where list.
  3. Specify the condition.
    1. Select an offer attribute from the list in the first field of the condition.
    2. Select an operator from the list in the second field of the condition.
    3. Enter a value in the third field of the condition.

      If you select a date-related offer attribute in the first field of the condition, you can select a date from a calendar.

    The following are examples of completed conditions:

    Effective Date <= 1/1/07
    Item type = Clothing
    Cost per offer >= 10
  4. Optional: Add additional conditions or groupings to the query builder.
    1. For every additional condition that you would like to add to a grouping, click Insert a new condition.

      The new condition is added to the query builder.

    2. Build any new conditions by selecting offer attributes, operators, and providing values.
    3. For every additional grouping that you would like to add, click Insert a new grouping.

      The new grouping is added to the query builder.

    4. Select all or any for every new grouping.

      This choice between all and any follows the same rules as the all or any choice for the entire Query Builder.

  5. If you would like to remove a condition or grouping from the query builder, click the check box beside the condition or grouping and click Remove Selected.
  6. If you would like to move a condition or grouping, click the number that is associated with it and drag the condition or grouping to the location where you would like to place it. Drop it in the location once you see the red highlighted bar.


Contact Optimization applies the constraints that you have set by using the query builder when you run your Contact Optimization session.