Fixed defects

This section describes the fixed defects in the 11.1 version of HCL® Contact Optimization.


When IBM Optimize Session report is accessed, it consumes more CPU and Memory and Web Application Server becomes unresponsive.

This typically happens when Optimize Session is associated with many Campaigns and report xml is of huge size

HMA-284827 When the FEC Min/Max packages rule has a maximum value greater than 1, the rule does not get processed but instead is ignored
HMA-284823 Loss of Treatment and Contact History data using multiple static/hidden attribute offers in post-optimize flowchart
HMA-288973 Campaign Redistribution Report for Contact Optimization does not expand past the right edge of browser
HMA-285634 Format of decimal numbers confuses Campaign macro - In order to calculate the score needed for the optimization a value from an custom offer attribute is taken and processed using a custom macro to give the score for optimization. Due to some changes in the way localization is handled the macro cannot be executed because of the comma as decimal delimiter. The macro gets more parameters than it expects.
HMA-284816 Optimize process box execution fails with error "CODE 11335: Field width too small to hold source text data." when scores are assigned through user variables which are havin different decimal length.